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These short biographies identify individuals by name; birth date and location; parentage; marriage date and location (if applicable); baptism date and location (if applicable); death date and location; and a brief description of their association with Wilford Woodruff. A biographical reference is included for individuals who are mentioned in the Papers but may not have associated directly with him, such as historical and scriptural figures.

This list is regularly updated as new documents are transcribed and published on this site.


Eminent Men and Women

St. George, Utah, United States

August 1877 marked Wilford's third experience in the St. George Temple that would impact temple ordinance work for generations. This experience—the appearance of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence to Wilford—changed not only his view of temple work, but has become an important symbol of the universal nature of temple work.

Frederick the Great of Prussia
24 Jan 1712 - 17 Aug 1786
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Marie Antoinette of France
2 Nov 1755 - 16 Oct 1793
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Adams, John
30 Oct 1735 - 4 Jul 1826
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Adams, John Quincy
11 Jul 1767 - 23 Feb 1848
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Adams, Samuel
16 Sep 1722 - 2 Oct 1803
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Agassiz, Louis
1807 - 1873
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Bartlett, Josiah
21 Nov 1729 - 19 May 1795
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Benso de Cavour, Camillo
10 Aug 1810 - 6 Jun 1861
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Bonaparte, Napoleon III of France
20 Apr 1808 - 9 Jan 1873
10 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Braxton, Carter
10 Sep 1736 - 10 Oct 1797
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Brougham, Henry Peter
19 Sep 1778 - 7 May 1868
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Burns, Robert
25 Jan 1759 - 21 Jul 1796
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Byron, George Gordon
22 Jan 1788 - 19 Apr 1824
6 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Calhoun, John Caldwell
18 Mar 1782 - 31 Mar 1850
5 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Carroll, Charles
19 Sep 1737 - 14 Nov 1832
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Chalmers, Thomas
17 Mar 1780 - 31 May 1847
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Chase, Samuel
17 Apr 1741 - 19 Jun 1811
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Clark, Abraham
15 Feb 1726 - 15 Sep 1794
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Clay, Henry
12 Apr 1777 - 29 Jun 1852
8 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Clymer, George
16 Mar 1739 - 23 Jan 1813
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Cobden, Richard
3 Jun 1804 - 2 Apr 1865
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Columbus, Christopher
1 Sep 1451 - 20 May 1506
18 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Curran, John Philpot
24 Jul 1750 - 14 Oct 1817
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Ellery, William
22 Dec 1727 - 15 Feb 1820
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Faraday, Michael
22 Sep 1791 - 25 Aug 1867
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Farragut, David Glasgow
5 Jul 1801 - 14 Aug 1870
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Fillmore, Millard
7 Jan 1800 - 8 Mar 1874
10 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Franklin, Benjamin
6 Jan 1706 - 17 Apr 1790
13 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Fulton, Robert
14 Nov 1765 - 23 Feb 1815
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Garrick, David
19 Feb 1717 - 20 Jan 1779
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Gerry, Elbridge Thomas
17 Jul 1744 - 23 Nov 1814
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Gibbon, Edward
27 Apr 1737 - 16 Jan 1794
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Goldsmith, Oliver
10 Nov 1728 - 4 Apr 1774
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Grattan, Henry
3 Jul 1746 - 4 Jun 1820
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Gwinnett, Button
3 Mar 1735 - 19 May 1777
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Hall, Lyman
12 Apr 1724 - 19 Oct 1790
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
6 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Harrison, William Henry
9 Feb 1773 - 4 Apr 1841
8 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Hart, John
5 Nov 1713 - 11 May 1779
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Hewes, Joseph
23 Jun 1730 - 10 Nov 1779
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Heyward, Thomas
28 Jul 1746 - 17 Apr 1809
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Hooper, William
28 Jun 1742 - 14 Oct 1790
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Hopkins, Stephen
7 Mar 1707 - 13 Jul 1785
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Hopkinson, Francis
21 Sep 1737 - 9 May 1791
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Huntington, Samuel
3 Jul 1731 - 5 Jan 1796
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Irving, Washington
3 Apr 1783 - 28 Nov 1859
6 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Jackson, Andrew
15 Apr 1767 - 8 Jun 1845
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan
21 Jan 1824 - 10 May 1863
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Jefferson, Thomas
13 Apr 1743 - 4 Jul 1826
6 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Johnson, Andrew
29 Dec 1808 - 31 Jul 1875
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Juarez, Pablo Benito Juárez
21 Mar 1806 - 18 Jul 1872
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Kemble, John Philip
1 Feb 1757 - 26 Feb 1823
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Lee, Francis Lightfoot
14 Oct 1734 - 11 Jan 1797
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Lee, Richard Henry
20 Jan 1732 - 19 Jun 1794
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Lewis, Francis
21 Mar 1713 - 31 Dec 1802
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Lincoln, Abraham
12 Feb 1809 - 15 Apr 1865
26 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Livingston, Philip
15 Jan 1716 - 12 Jun 1778
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Livingstone, David
19 Mar 1813 - 1 May 1873
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
10 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Lynch, Thomas
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
25 Oct 1800 - 28 Dec 1859
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Madison, Dolley Payne Todd
20 May 1768 - 12 Jul 1849
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
McKean, Thomas
19 Mar 1734 - 24 Jun 1817
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Middleton, Arthur
26 Jun 1742 - 1 Jan 1787
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Monroe, James
28 Apr 1758 - 4 Jul 1831
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Morris, Lewis
8 Apr 1726 - 22 Jan 1798
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Morris, Robert
31 Jan 1734 - 8 May 1806
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Morton, John
10 Mar 1724 - 20 Apr 1777
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Nelson, Horatio
29 Sep 1758 - 21 Oct 1805
18 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Nelson, Thomas
26 Dec 1738 - 4 Jan 1789
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
O'Connell, Daniel
6 Aug 1775 - 15 May 1847
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Osgood, Francis Sargent Locke
18 Jun 1811 - 12 May 1850
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Paca, William
31 Oct 1740 - 13 Oct 1799
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Paine, Robert Treat
11 Mar 1731 - 11 May 1814
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Peabody, George
18 Feb 1795 - 4 Nov 1869
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Penn, John
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Pierce, Franklin
23 Nov 1804 - 8 Oct 1869
7 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Polk, James Knox
2 Nov 1795 - 15 Jun 1849
24 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Powers, Hiram
29 Jul 1805 - 27 Jun 1873
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Read, George
18 Sep 1733 - 21 Sep 1798
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Reynolds, Joshua
16 Jul 1723 - 23 Feb 1792
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Rodney, Caesar
7 Oct 1728 - 26 Jun 1784
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Ross, George
10 May 1730 - 14 Jul 1779
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Rush, Benjamin
24 Dec 1745 - 19 Apr 1813
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Rutledge, Edward
23 Nov 1749 - 23 Jan 1800
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Scott, Walter
15 Aug 1771 - 21 Sep 1832
4 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Seward, William Henry
16 May 1801 - 10 Oct 1872
9 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Sherman, Roger
19 Apr 1721 - 23 Jul 1793
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Siddons, Sarah Kemble
5 Jul 1755 - 8 Jun 1831
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Smith, James
1 mention
Historical Figure, Missionary, Eminent Men and Woman
Stephenson, George
9 Jun 1781 - 12 Aug 1848
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Stockton, Richard
1 Oct 1730 - 28 Feb 1781
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Stone, Thomas
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Taylor, Zachary
24 Nov 1784 - 9 Jul 1850
11 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Thackeray, William Makepeace
18 Jul 1811 - 24 Dec 1863
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Thornton, Matthew
3 Mar 1714 - 24 Jun 1803
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Tyler, John
29 Mar 1790 - 18 Jan 1862
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Vespucci, Amerigo
18 Mar 1454 - 22 Feb 1512
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
28 Aug 1749 - 22 Mar 1832
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
von Liebig, Johann Justus
12 May 1803 - 18 Apr 1873
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
47 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis
2 Jun 1731 - 22 May 1802
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Webster, Daniel
18 Jan 1782 - 24 Oct 1852
4 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
6 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Wesley, John
17 Jun 1703 - 2 Feb 1791
14 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Whipple, William
14 Jan 1730 - 28 Nov 1785
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Williams, William
8 Apr 1731 - 2 Aug 1811
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Wilson, James
14 Sep 1742 - 21 Aug 1798
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Witherspoon, John
5 Feb 1723 - 15 Nov 1794
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Wolcott, Oliver
26 Nov 1726 - 1 Dec 1797
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Wordsworth, William
7 Apr 1770 - 23 Apr 1850
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Wythe, George
3 Dec 1726 - 8 Jun 1806
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman