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Day in the Life

Apr 27, 1890

Journal Entry

April 27, 1890 ~ Sunday

27 Sunday I spent the day at home Reading

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Letter from John Ephraim Moulton, 27 April 1890
Heber City President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received your's of the 17th inst calling me on a mission to the Northern States; you desire me to express my feelings in regard to the call. I can say that I feel desirous of doing the will of the Lord and of being obedient to those who are placed over me in the Church although I feel it to be quite an undertaking to leave my family to for such a length of time; but I will go and do my best to fill an honorable mission trusting in the Lord to aid and sustain me in all my endeavor's to do good Praying for the blessings of God to attend the Servants of Christ in all their righteous endeavours I remain Your Humble Servant J E Moulton Henry Clegg Bp. Heber ^West^ Ward Good. J. F. S.


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Apr 27, 1890