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These short biographies identify individuals by name; birth date and location; parentage; marriage date and location (if applicable); baptism date and location (if applicable); death date and location; and a brief description of their association with Wilford Woodruff. A biographical reference is included for individuals who are mentioned in the Papers but may not have associated directly with him, such as historical and scriptural figures.

This list is regularly updated as new documents are transcribed and published on this site.


1 mention
Scriptural Figure
55 mentions
Scriptural Figure
5 mentions
Historical Figure
30 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
230 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
273 mentions
Scriptural Figure
5 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
19 mentions
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
7 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
12 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
0 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
United Brethren
1 mention
United Brethren
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
Chief Arimo
1 mention
Native American
23 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
6 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
3 mentions
1 mention
Abbott, Lewis
30 Nov 1793 - 30 Nov 1850
5 mentions
0 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
8 mentions
Abers, John
7 mentions
Abplanalp, Peter
2 Mar 1829 - 28 May 1900
5 mentions
Bishops in Letter
Abrams, Lewis Sanford
1 Feb 1838 - 1 Dec 1916
1 mention
Abrams, Lois Amelia
1 Mar 1874 - 8 Oct 1874
1 mention
1 mention
2 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Adams, Abigail Smith
22 Nov 1744 - 28 Oct 1818
0 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
1 mention
3 mentions
3 mentions
31 mentions
Adams, Charles Augustus
17 Aug 1824 - 15 Nov 1860
4 mentions
3 mentions
1 mention
Stationery Header
1 mention
2 mentions
Stationery Header
1 mention
Adams, Ezra
2 mentions
1 mention
Stationery Header
1 mention
Stationery Header
45 mentions
1 mention
Adams, James
24 Jan 1783 - 11 Aug 1843
3 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Adams, John
30 Oct 1735 - 4 Jul 1826
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
3 mentions
Adams, John Quincy
11 Jul 1767 - 23 Feb 1848
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Adams, Jonathan
5 Jul 1782 - 10 Apr 1861
1 mention
1 mention
3 mentions
2 mentions
11 mentions
Adams, Orson Bennett
9 Mar 1815 - 4 Feb 1901
3 mentions
Adams, Samuel
16 Sep 1722 - 2 Oct 1803
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
2 mentions
Adams, Susann Smith
30 May 1819 - 23 Jan 1892
1 mention
6 mentions
Adams, William Britton
14 Feb 1814 - 6 Jan 1861
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Stationery Header
1 mention
2 mentions
1 mention
Adkins, Minnie Gibbs
26 Nov 1878 - 16 Jun 1965
1 mention
94 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Agassiz, Louis
1807 - 1873
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
4 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Aikman, Alexander
aft. 1769-1835
32 mentions
Aikman, William
bef. 1814-aft. 1844
3 mentions
Aikman, Willis
abt. 1800-aft. 1844
8 mentions
Aikman, Wright
bef. 1814-aft. 1837
14 mentions
Aitken, Robert
22 Jan 1800 - 11 Jul 1873
16 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
2 mentions
Albiston, John, b. 1782
3 Jun 1782 - 2 Jun 1849
8 mentions
Albiston, John, b. 1814
4 Apr 1814 - 2 Apr 1891
3 mentions
Albon, James
1 May 1793 - 7 Sep 1870
43 mentions
1 mention
Albon, Mary Ann Eacock
11 Oct 1793 - 4 Feb 1880
6 mentions
Albon, Susanna Elizabeth Ware
14 Mar 1820 - 10 Oct 1885
3 mentions
7 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Aldrich, Amey Cecelia Cooper
30 Jun 1804 - 13 Jul 1852
1 mention
Aldrich, Hazen C.
1797-aft. 1876
12 mentions
Aldrich, Joseph
10 Aug 1801 - 17 Nov 1874
1 mention
5 mentions
1 mention
15 mentions
Alexander, Elizabeth Allen
1 Mar 1819 - 23 Mar 1869
1 mention
1835 Southern Convert
2 mentions
Alexander, Jonathan
abt. 1785-1860
2 mentions
Alexander, Myrza Nix
20 Sep 1815 - 23 Jul 1880
5 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Alexander, Randolph
22 Mar 1802 - 12 Mar 1879
55 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
2 mentions
1 mention
Stationery Header
Alger, John
3 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
Alger, Samuel
14 Feb 1786 - 24 Sep 1874
2 mentions
1 mention
6 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
2 mentions
Allen, Andrew Jackson
5 Sep 1818 - 18 Jul 1884
1 mention
Allen, Edward
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
Allen, Ezra
4 mentions
1 mention
Allen, George
16 Apr 1802 - 13 Apr 1913
16 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
1 mention
4 mentions
Allen, Ira
2 mentions
1 mention
Allen, James
14 Aug 1806 - 16 Sep 1886
22 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
6 mentions
2 mentions
2 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Allen, Lewis
11 Jun 1813 - 24 Jan 1883
5 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
121 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Allen, Nancy
5 Jan 1809 - 26 Mar 1878
1 mention
1835 Southern Convert
1 mention
1 mention
2 mentions
1 mention
Allen, Rufus Chester
22 Oct 1827 - 7 Dec 1915
7 mentions
8 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Allen, William Coleman
14 Feb 1843 - 17 Mar 1926
14 mentions
6 mentions
8 mentions
3 mentions
Alley, George
31 Dec 1792 - 18 Nov 1859
4 mentions
Alley, John
8 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
8 mentions
5 mentions
Alling, Ahira
21 Apr 1806 - 9 Jan 1886
1 mention
1 mention
Alling, Lewis
23 Feb 1801 - 4 Sep 1877
4 mentions
Alling, Mary Wolcott
3 Oct 1778 - 22 Sep 1857
4 mentions
Allison, William Boyd
2 Mar 1829 - 4 Aug 1908
4 mentions
Historical Figure
11 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
11 mentions
Allred, James
22 Jan 1784 - 10 Jan 1876
22 mentions
4 mentions
7 mentions
Allred, Reddick Newton
21 Feb 1822 - 10 Oct 1905
3 mentions
Allred, Reuben Warren
18 Nov 1815 - 4 Oct 1896
1 mention
1 mention
Allred, William Moore
24 Dec 1819 - 8 Jun 1901
1 mention
25 mentions
1 mention
2 mentions
0 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
Alvord, Betsey Cossett
19 Jan 1805 - 16 Feb 1884
100 mentions
Alvord, Eliphaz
17 Jan 1741 - 15 Apr 1820
1 mention
Alvord, Esther Hart
4 Apr 1742 - 18 Nov 1818
1 mention
Alvord, Gideon William
8 Feb 1841 - 4 Dec 1918
1 mention
Alvord, Joseph
1733-bef. 1809
1 mention
1 mention
Alvord, Thaddeus
28 Oct 1781 - 19 Feb 1874
9 mentions
Ames, Betsey Hudson
10 Dec 1793 - 23 Nov 1882
15 mentions
Ames, Daniel
abt. 1814-1852
1 mention
Ames, Ebenezer
abt. 1775-bef. 1850
15 mentions
7 mentions
Ames, Ira
22 Sep 1804 - 15 Jan 1869
6 mentions
1 mention
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Ames, Lucy Frye
1825-aft. 1869
1 mention
Ames, Mary Banks
4 Oct 1811 - 13 Jul 1876
2 mentions
Ames, Oliver (Jr.)
5 Nov 1807 - 9 Mar 1877
2 mentions
Ames, Rufus
abt. 1820-1896
1 mention
2 mentions
Ames, Valentine
abt. 1814-1865
13 mentions
2 mentions
17 mentions
Andersen, Andrew K.
6 Aug 1859 - 5 Jan 1890
3 mentions
2 mentions
Andersen, Lars Strib
16 Apr 1829 - 7 Sep 1901
14 mentions
Andersen, Oluf Bernhard
29 Jul 1848 - 13 Jan 1936
7 mentions
0 mentions
4 mentions
0 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Anderson, Anders Peter
8 Dec 1847 - 9 Apr 1932
6 mentions
Bishops in Letter
1 mention
3 mentions
1 mention
3 mentions
2 mentions
16 mentions
4 mentions
2 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
2 mentions
1 mention
2 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
5 mentions
1 mention
Historical Figure
5 mentions
3 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
1 mention
2 mentions
3 mentions
8 mentions
3 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
4 mentions
Anderson, Washington Franklin
6 Jan 1823 - 21 Apr 1903
21 mentions
1 mention
2 mentions
1 mention
2 mentions
2 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Stationery Header
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Andrews, John
24 Nov 1816 - 17 Jul 1888
5 mentions
5 mentions
2 mentions
Andrus, James
13 mentions
Andrus, Milo
6 Mar 1814 - 19 Jun 1893
35 mentions
Andrus, Oscar
3 mentions
Angell, Alma Truman
12 Jan 1834 - 12 Jun 1911
1 mention
Angell, Solomon
21 Apr 1806 - 20 Sep 1881
4 mentions
Angell, Truman Osborn (Jr.)
27 Feb 1852 - 10 Apr 1933
3 mentions
41 mentions
1 mention
6 mentions
1 mention
Anthon, Niels
1 mention
3 mentions
3 mentions
Historical Figure
4 mentions
Appleby, William Ivins
13 Aug 1811 - 20 May 1870
65 mentions
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Appleton, James
16 Jan 1825 - 5 Nov 1845
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Arey, Ebenezer
14 Oct 1769 - 17 Jan 1854
3 mentions
1 mention
Arey, Thomas
abt. 1779- aft. 1839
3 mentions
8 mentions
1 mention
5 mentions
1 mention
2 mentions
1 mention
United Brethren
1 mention
1 mention
31 mentions
Armstrong, John Christopher
27 Nov 1813 - 7 Jun 1881
21 mentions
15 mentions
5 mentions
3 mentions
3 mentions
2 mentions
0 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
4 mentions
1 mention
1835 Southern Convert
9 mentions
6 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
3 mentions
1 mention
Arthur, Michael
19 May 1800 - 8 Aug 1884
5 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
2 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
2 mentions
2 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
3 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Ashby, Bryant
1 mention
4 mentions
3 mentions
Ashley, James M.
24 Nov 1824 - 16 Sep 1896
1 mention
4 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
11 mentions
2 mentions
2 mentions
Atchison, David Rice
11 Aug 1807 - 26 Jan 1886
4 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
3 mentions
3 mentions
2 mentions
2 mentions
3 mentions
3 mentions
Atkin, Hyrum
1 mention
6 mentions
4 mentions
Atkin, May
6 mentions
11 mentions
45 mentions
Atkin, Thomas
7 mentions
Atkin, Thomas (Jr.)
7 Jul 1833 - 18 Apr 1919
24 mentions
172 mentions
9 mentions
2 mentions
Atwood, Dan
4 Nov 1787 - 17 Dec 1863
14 mentions
1 mention
Atwood, Mary Ann
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
Atwood, Millen
24 May 1817 - 17 Dec 1890
20 mentions
Atwood, Miner G.
18 Mar 1823 - 21 Jul 1902
8 mentions
1 mention
13 mentions
Atwood, Polly Sawyer
12 Jun 1790 - 16 Oct 1875
2 mentions
Atwood, Samuel F.
27 Feb 1825 - 1 May 1906
17 mentions
1 mention
0 mentions
8 mentions
Austen, Jane
16 Dec 1775 - 18 Jul 1817
0 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Austin, Edwin Nelson
5 Sep 1840 - 23 May 1920
12 mentions
2 mentions
Avery, Allen A.
1 mention
1 mention
Avery, Daniel
1 Jul 1797 - 16 Oct 1851
2 mentions
1 mention
Historical Figure
Avery, Philander
13 Jun 1822 - 9 May 1907
1 mention
4 mentions
2 mentions