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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Collection Name Wilford Woodruff collection, 1831-1905
Collection Description Phebe Woodruff, letter, Lee County, Iowa, to Wilford Woodruff, Manchester, England, 1840 October 6
Collection Number MS 19509
Collection Page 1-4
Source Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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138 mentions
Scriptural Figure
94 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Almon Whiting Babbitt
1 Oct 1813 - 21 Oct 1856
103 mentions
27 mentions
Sarah Burtt Beman
17 Jan 1775 - 29 Aug 1840
2 mentions
John Cook Bennett
3 Aug 1804 - 5 Aug 1867
23 mentions
Seymour Brunson
1 Dec 1798 - 10 Aug 1840
3 mentions
Reynolds Cahoon
30 Apr 1790 - 29 Apr 1861
20 mentions
Caroline Smith Callister
6 Jun 1820 - 8 Jan 1895
1 mention

Ezra Carter, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
284 mentions
Ilus Fabyan Carter
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
403 mentions
John Wesley Clark
abt. 1819- abt. 1851
6 mentions
Timothy Baldwin Clark
15 Mar 1778 - 29 May 1848
26 mentions
William Oglesby Clark
25 Jun 1817 - 7 Nov 1912
21 mentions
Oliver Granger
7 Feb 1794 - 23 Dec 1841
2 mentions
Pierce Hawley
13 mentions
Jane Herrett Keller
abt. 1811-abt. 1845
1 mention
John Herrett
abt. 1812-1840
12 mentions
Elias Higbee
23 Oct 1795 - 8 Jun 1843
21 mentions
Jonathan Harriman Holmes
11 Mar 1806 - 18 Aug 1880
17 mentions
Marietta Carter Holmes
1 Apr 1818 - 20 Aug 1840
8 mentions
Mary Emma Holmes
25 May 1840 - 10 Sep 1840
1 mention
Milton Holmes
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
217 mentions
10 mentions
2 mentions
Heber Chase Kimball
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1409 mentions
Vilate Murray Kimball
1 Jun 1806 - 22 Oct 1867
50 mentions
Sarah Milliken Dell
22 Sep 1813 - 28 Jun 1901
15 mentions
2 mentions
Edward Partridge
27 Aug 1793 - 27 May 1840
54 mentions
David Wyman Patten
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
136 mentions
Mary Ann Frost Pratt
14 Jan 1809 - 24 Aug 1891
21 mentions
Parley Parker Pratt
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
531 mentions
Thankful Halsey Hand Pratt
18 Mar 1797 - 25 Mar 1837
8 mentions
Sidney Rigdon
19 Feb 1793 - 14 Jul 1876
210 mentions
22 mentions
2 mentions
George Albert Smith
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1377 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Hyrum Smith
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
404 mentions
40 mentions
John Smith, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
75 mentions
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
2251 mentions
Joseph Smith (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
127 mentions
Abraham Owen Smoot
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
556 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
1 mention
1 mention
Leonora Cannon Taylor
6 Oct 1796 - 9 Dec 1868
47 mentions
11 mentions
Frances Kimberley Turley
22 Jun 1800 - 30 Aug 1847
16 mentions
Theodore Turley
10 Apr 1801 - 12 Aug 1871
139 mentions
Dwight Webster
13 Apr 1814 - 19 Aug 1868
129 mentions
Eunice Hart Woodruff Webster
19 Jun 1821 - 15 Jun 1853
263 mentions
Lyman Wight
9 May 1796 - 31 Mar 1858
189 mentions
Aphia S. Woodman Holmes
26 Feb 1810 - 5 Apr 1885
12 mentions
Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1558 mentions
Sarah Emma Woodruff
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
161 mentions
Wilford Woodruff (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
704 mentions
2 mentions
50 mentions
3 mentions


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Ah! Sarah’s gone—Dear Babe—Her journey’s ore! She breathe'd— she wept.— but she shall weep no more. How short her time by providence assigned! About 2 years she was on earth confine'd! Angelic bands her spirit did convey, To happier realmes in everlasting day: Our lovely child has first arrived at home, to see the splendor of the eternal throne. And shout us welcome to the promised land. Our Sarah—Lovely Babe—Her infant frame, No more shall feel the smart of mortal pain, She only sleeps! Though motionless she lies. Her sacred dust, refined, again shall rise, to shine in bliss most exquisitly bright, Surpassing far the sun’s refulgent light. And is she dead? O no! She entered life the moment she escaped this world of strife: She’s now from earth removed, her soul expands, And by the throne in holy rapture stands; Expanding still, she drinks the blissful streames, And basks unsully' delighted, in unsully’d beames; Now hears with wonder the melodious strain, And joins to celebrate Mesiah’s name; Her mind illumined now with glad surprise, Sees happier worlds, unseen from mortal eyes. She now perhaps ^from^ Zion’s hight sublime Looks down and views the simple things of time; Or, if permited, to the earth descends, And gladly mingles with her earthly friends; Although unsee her happy spirit near, May hear the sigh, and see the falling tear, May with concern behold maternal grief, And fondly wish to sooth and give relief.
~ Phoebe Woodruff
Now a few words from Brother Joseph sermon on the living’s being baptized for the dead that they may be judged according to men in the flesh; he has learned by revelation that those in this church may be baptized for any of their relatives who are dead and had not a privalege privaledge of hearing it this gospel
~ Phoebe Woodruff
Brother Joseph makes this doctrin look verry plain and consisten— he has been bringing strange things forward to the church this season— strong meat— he has delivered a course of lectures this season which were verry interesting— I could not attend only apart of the time but often wished you could be present— he says that the throne of God stands on the earth like this earth only it is cleansed &c &c— says that this earth is the wickedest planate that ever God made and that its inhabitants are will have the greatest glory if they overcome evil
~ Phoebe Woodruff