March 26th Sunday communed with the saints in the fore
part of the day. In the latter part, Elder W. Parrish
Preached the funeral sermon of Sister Pratt the
wife of Elder P. P. Pratt one of the twelve who
died March 25th 1837
~ Monday
March 27th I signed $50 fifty Dollars for the
building of the house of the Lord in Zion the
subscription list was in the hands of Elder Elisha H. Groves
~ Sunday
April 2nd Attended worship in the Lords house upon
this sabbath day. I have spent the time for several
days past in perusing the Outlines of ancient and
modern HISTORY on a new plan, By Rev Royal
Robbins. It strikes the reflecting mind with deep
sensibility to contemplate the scenery of the
rise, progress, decline & fall of the Nations and
kingdoms of the earth from the days of ADAM
untill 1837 years aft^er^ Christ. And it is equally inter-
esting to contemplate the day that is now at
hand & hath already begun in fulfillment of
Ancient prophecy in bringing the church of
Christ out of the wilderness in esstablishing
Israel upon those lands by a Theocratical
government in fulfillment of the conenants
God made with AbramIsaac & Jacob. As this
hath began in my day & I am called to act a part
in the work by being plaaced with the first Seventy
Elders of Israel to become a special witness
of Jesus Crist to all Nations I need much faith
fortitude, holiness, & wisdom. May the Lord
enable me not to seek honour from man but
God & be faithful in clearing my garments of
the blood of Gentile & Jew and do honour to the
HOLY Priesthood & the Annointing that now awaiteth me
~ Sunday
March 26th Sunday communed with the saints in the fore
part of the day. In the latter part, Elder W. Parrish
Preached the funeral sermon of Sister Pratt the
wife of Elder P. P. Pratt one of the twelve who
died March 25th 1837
~ Monday
March 27th I signed $50 fifty Dollars for the
building of the house of the Lord in Zion the
subscription list was in the hands of Elder
Elisha H Groves
~ Sunday
April 2nd Attended worship in the Lords house upon
this sabbath day. I have spent the time for several
days past in perusing the outlines of ancient and
modern HISTORY on a new plan, By Rev Royal
Robbins. It strikes the reflecting mind with deep
sensibility to contemplate the scenery of the
rise, progress, decline & fall of the Nations and
kingdoms of the earth from the days of ADAM
untill 1837 years after Christ. And it is equally inter
esting to contemplate the day that is now at
hand & hath already begun in fulfillment of
ancient prophecy in bringing the church of
Christ out of the wilderness in esstablishing
Israel upon those lands by a Theocratical
government in fulfillment of the conenants
God made with Abram Isaac & Jacob. As this
hath began in my day & I am called to act a part
in the work by being plaaced with the first seventy
Elders of Israel to become a special witness
of Jesus Crist to all nations I need much faith
fortitude, holiness, & wisdom. May the Lord
enable me not to seek honour from man but
God & be faithful in clearing my garments of
the blood of gentile & Jew and do honour to the
HOLY Priesthood & the annointing that now awaiteth me
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," March 26, 1837 - April 2, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,