March 23rd. I repaired to the house of the Lord at an early
hour in the morning to spend the day in prayer and fasting
with the saints in Kirtland, as this was a day set apart
for that purpose. Immediately after entering the house in com-
pany with several other Elders, I went within the veil and we
bowed down before the Lord in the Aronic stand & offer'd
a morning sacrifice, & the spirit of God rested upon us
with joy to our souls. I was called upon, by the Patriarch JOSEPH to read a chapter in the book of Mormon I then
read the third chapter of the Book of Jacob, which contains the
parable of the tame olive tree likend unto the house of Israel
as was spake by the Prophet Zenos. The same God that
touched Isaiah's lips with hallowed fire, [Isaiah 6:7] gave Zenos great
wisdom in setting forth this parable. After I had made some
brief remarks upon the subject the congregation took
their seats, for the services of the day, in the following
order. The house being divided into four parts by veils,
the females occupied two parts & the males the others,
some of the presidency presided in each appartment
The time was taken up during the day in each appart-
ment in singing, exortation, & prayer, some had a tongue,
others an interpetation, & all was in order. The power
of GOD rested upon the people the gifts were poured out
upon us some had the administering of angels & the
image of GOD sat upon the countenance's of the Sa[i]nts.
at 4 oclock PM. the veils were all rolled up together which
brough[t] the whole congregation in full view of each other
and while the presence of the LORD filled the house the
congregation of the Saints fell upon their knees & all as one
man, vocally poured forth rejoicing, supplication & Prayer,
before the God of Israel which closed the services of
the day, after contributing for the support of the poor [FIGURE] {may move my spirit in my God he long [illegible shorthand] the blessings in the [illegible shorthand] while the moon gladdens the shades of night the} ever
{[illegible shorthand] of man when the center to his soul and interest vibrate his mind into with peculiar sensations not expressed with those
that cause with myself while the|shorthand} AMOR of GOD {and enjoying the}{friendship}{of a Saint}[FIGURE]
~ Thursday
March 23rd I repaired to the house of the Lord at an early
hour in the morning to spend the day in prayer and fasting
with the saints in Kirtland, as this was a day set apart
for that purpose. Immediately after entering the house in com
pany with several other Elders, I went within the veil and we
bowed down before the Lord in the aronic stand & offer'd
a morning sacrifice, & the Spirit of God rested upon us
with joy to our souls. I was called upon, by the Patriarch
JOSEPH to read a chapter in the Book of Mormon; I then
read the third chapter of the Book of Jacob, which contains the
parable of the tame olive tree likend unto the house of Israel
as was spake by the Prophet Zenos. The same God that
touched Isaiah's lips with hallowed fire, gave Zenos great
wisdom in setting forth this parable. After I had made some
brief remarks upon the subject the congregation took
their seats for the services of the day, in the following
order. The house being divided into four parts by veils,
the females occupied two parts & the males the others,
some of the presidency presided in each appartment
The time was taken up during the day in each appart
ment in singing, exortation, & prayer, some had a tongue,
others an interpetation, & all was in order. The power
of GOD rested upon the people the gifts were poured out
upon us some had the administering of angels & the
image of GOD sat upon the countenances of the Sants.
at 4 oclock PM the veils were all rolled up together which
brought the whole congregation in full view of each other
and while the presence of the LORD filled the house the
congregation of the saints fell upon their knees & all as one
man, vocally poured forth rejoicing, supplication & Prayer,
before the God of Israel which closed the services
of the day, after contributing for the support of the poor
{may move my spirit in my God he long illegible the blessings in the illegible while the man gladdens the shades of night the} ever
{illegible of man when the center to his soul and interest vibrate his mind into with peculiar sensations not expressed with those
that cause with myself while the} AMOR of GOD{and enjoying the}amicitia{of a Saint.}[FIGURE]
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," March 23, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,