Thus I spent the 14, , ^&^ 16 of April siting in coun
cil with my Brethen the Twelve & the Saints. I
preached in the evening of the 15th, in the Tempera
nce Hall to a crouded congregation. I felt
Happy to have the privilege of sitting in
council with my Brethren the Twelve in
a foreign Nation to do the work of the Lord
After our council closed on the 16th I walked towith Elder Richards to penworthham & spent
the night 2 miles
~ Friday
17th This being good friday the quorum
of the Twelve met at penworthham to visit
the saints & spend the day together before we parted.
Sister Moon opened a bottle of wine for
us to bless & partake of which she had kept for
40 years. after spending the day in concersing [conversing]
about the things of the kingdom of God we ret
urned to preston & spent the night 2 m[iles]
~ Saturday
18th The time had come for the Twelve
to seperate & go into different parts of the
vineyard. It was thought wisdom for
Elder Kimble to visit the churches that he
had built up while in England, & that Orson
pratt go North & visit Scotland that
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
Thus I spent the 14, 15, & 16 of April siting in coun
cil with my Brethen the Twelve & the Saints. I
preached in the evening of the 15th, in the Tempera
nce Hall to a crouded congregation. I felt
Happy to have the privilege of sitting in
council with my Brethen the Twelve in
a foreign Nation to do the work of the Lord
After our council closed on the 16th I walked
with Elder Richards to Penworthham & spent
the night 2 miles
~ Friday
17th This being good friday the quorum
of the Twelve met at Penworthham to visit
the saints & spend the day together before we parted.
Sister Moon opened a bottle of wine for
us to bless & partake of which she had kept for
40 years. after spending the day in conversing
about the things of the Kingdom of God we returned to Preston & spent the night 2 m
~ Saturday
18th The time had come for the Twelve
to seperate & go into different parts of the
vineyard. It was thought wisdom for
Elder Kimble to visit the churches that he
had built up while in England, & that Orson
Pratt go North & visit Scotland that
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," April 14, 1840 - April 18, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,