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Day in the Life

Apr 15, 1840

Journal Entry

April 15, 1840 ~ Wednesday
William Gaskins Apperly
Ann Morgon
England; on the . Elder Kimble was called
to preside & Elder William Clayton chosen
as clerk. It being the tenth day of the first
month of the Eleventh year of the Church
the meeting was opened by singing & prayer by
Elder Kimble. Elder Kimble then called
upon the Elders to represent the different branches
of the Church When—
E[lde]r Joseph Fielding represented the church in Preston
consisting of about 300 members 7 Elders
8 Priest 6 Teachers & 2 Deacons
Er Peter Welling ^melling^ represented the Church in Penwortham
consisting of 73 Members 3 E. 1 P. 2 T. & 1 D.

Thus I spent the 14, , ^&^ 16 of April siting in coun
cil with my Brethen the Twelve & the Saints. I
preached in the evening of the 15th, in the Tempera
nce Hall to a crouded congregation. I felt
Happy to have the privilege of sitting in
council with my Brethren the Twelve in
a foreign Nation to do the work of the Lord
After our council closed on the 16th I walked
towith Elder Richards to penworthham & spent
the night 2 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Morgan, Ann
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
Fielding, Joseph
26 Mar 1797 - 19 Dec 1863
37 mentions
11 mentions
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
525 mentions
Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879
107 mentions
2 mentions
1840 British Convert


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Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

they had appointed a Conference at Preston on Wednesday the 15th of April and wished me to attend.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

I had spent the and of April sitting in Council with my brethren the Twelve and the Saints who ghad come up to this general conference of the British Mission; and on the evening of the 20^15^th I preached in the Temperence Hall to a crowded congregation

Mission - Conference Minutes in Preston, England, 15 April 1840


Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts

Apperly Ann Morgan Jane Parry


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Apr 15, 1840