23 I received 2 letters & wrote 2 to Phebe & Wilford. I bought
all of Frank Robbins property that He owned in Randolph Rich co
& paid him $300 for the same including city lot House, stable, carrells,
20 acres of Farming land & 20 acres of Grass land I spent the rema-
inder of the day Binding wheat we cut 4 acres of wheat & 2 of oats
~ Wednesday
24. July There was No particular celebration to day of the arivals of the Pioneers But the children met for recreation & a
Terrible Accident occured to George A. Wells son of Daniel H Wells
aged 13. He accidentally discharged a pistol Heavely loaded the contents
of which went into his Bowels & He died at 1 oclok P.M.
~ Thursday
25 I spent the forenoon Binding wheat I went to the city
at 3 oclock to Attend the funeral of the child of Brother Wells I had
a Hay rack on My waggon I drove into my door yard &
while unhitching my Horses from My waggon in my hurry I negl-
ected to unhook the outside trace of the off Horse & as I started to lead
my Horses into the Barn yard the off Horse pulled the Tounge against
his legs & freightened him by the time I got him by the Head He was
so freightened I could not hold He draged me in a circle twice
around the yard then knocked me down & I had labor hard to keep
the waggon from running over me He finally took the road by
the south Dwelling House as he passed one hub struck the cornor
of the House broak the cornor posts knocked a hole in the House &
landed the Hind wheels & rack on top of a wood pile & run the
tongue through the picket fence into the vineyard & the Horse went
off charging through the orchard with one whiffle tree I did not
do much damage to Harness, rack, or waggon or Horse & I was
vary thankful to Escape without hurt to myself or family I turned
my horses into the stable & went to the funeral & was late President Young called upon me to speak I did not wish to refuse but felt
in no frame of mind to speak I did speak a few Moments was
followed By G QJ. TaylorG. Q. Cannon & President Young I returned
to the farm & spent the night 6 M[iles]
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
26, 27. I spent the time binding grain I was vary weary at night
~ Sunday
28. sunday I did not attend Meeting in the forenoon but did in the
afternoon. James Brown spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 25 Minutes
23 FIGURES I received 2 letters & wrote 2 to Phebe & Wilford I bought
all of Frank Robbins Property that He owned in Randolph Rich co
& Paid him $300 for the same including City lot House, stable, carrells
20 acres of farming land & 20 acres of grass land I spent the remainder of the day Binding wheat we cut 4 acres of wheat & 2 of oats
~ Wednesday
24. July There was No particular celebration to day of the arivals
[FIGURE] of the Pioneers But the children met for recreation & a
Terrible Accident occured to George A. Wells son of Daniel H Wells
aged 13 He accidentally discharged a pistol Heavely loaded the contents
of which went into his Bowels & He died at 1 oclok P.M.
~ Thursday
25 [FIGURE] I spent the forenoon Binding wheat I went to the City
at 3 oclock to Attend the funeral of the child of Brother Wells I had
a Hay rack on My waggon I drove into my door yard &
while unhitching my Horses from My waggon in my hurry I neglected to unhook the outside trace of the off Horse & as I started to lead
my Horses into the Barn yard the off Horse pulled the Tounge against
his legs & freightened him by the time I got him by the Head He was
so freightened I could not hold He draged me in a circle twice
around the yard then knocked me down & I had labor hard to keep
the waggon from running over me He finally took the road by
the South Dwelling House as he passed one hub struck the cornor
of the House broak the cornor posts knocked a hole in the House &
landed the Hind wheels & rack on top of a wood pile & run the
tongue through the picket fence into the vineyard & the horse went
off charging through the orchard with one whiffle tree I did not
do much damage to Harness rack or waggon or Horse & I was
vary thankful to Escape without hurt to myself or family I turned
my horses into the stable & went to the funeral & was late President
Young called upon me to speak I did not wish to refuse but felt
in no frame of mind to speak I did speak a few Moments was
followed By J. TaylorG. Q. Cannon & President Young I returned
to the farm & spent the night 6 Miles
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
26, 27. I spent the time binding grain I was vary weary at night
~ Sunday
28. sunday I did not attend Meeting in the forenoon but did in the
afternoon. James Brown spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 25 Minutes
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 22, 1872 - July 28, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/M8w5