we camped upon the bank of the Missippssippi River Here our Enemies strongly threatened that we should not cross
into Missouri. The river being nearly one mile & a half wide & we having but one boat it took two days for us to
pass over into Missouri. while some were ingaged in ferrying others were ingaged in Hunting fishing &c
while Here Sylvestor Smith rebelled against the order of the company & gave vent to his feelings against
the Prophet Joseph this was the first difficulty which had occured in Camp to mar our peace while on
the Journey.
we resumed our Journey & on the camped in a peace of woods near a spring of water
at Salt River whare there was a Branch of the Church.
Sunday we had preaching and in the course of
the day we were Joined by Brother Hyram Smith & Lyman Wight with a company of volunteers which
they had gathered in Michigan. The whole company now consisted of 205 men & 25 baggage waggons
with 2 & 3 Horses each. we remained at Salt River untill the refreshing and reorganizing, which
reorganizing was done by Appointing Lyman Wight Commander in Chief Joseph Smith Appo[in]ted
20 men his Life guard & his Brother Hyram was chosen Captain & G. A. Smith his Armour Bearer
the remainder of the company was organized according the pattern given at New Portage. while
at Salt River General Wight marched the camp on the prairie inspeted our fire locks ordered a discharge
of the same at target by platoons drilled us about half a day & returned to camp. we left the Bank of
salt River & travelled 14 miles & camped on a perrairie the people manifested a respect for us & some of them
acompanied us some miles upon our Journey. we continued our Journey Daily untill the when
we pithched our tents one mile from Richmond Ray County. The whole country now was in the midst
of Great excitement the inhabitants of Jackson County who had previously driven our people out of
there county were now swareing vengance upon our heads & trying to stir up the feelings of the people
in Clay County against us the judgments of God fell suddenly upon some of the leaders of the mob
in Jackson County & they were drowned in the Missouri River while crossing in a ferry boat
& the buzzards eat the flesh off there bones. A Rumour reached us that the people of Richmond
would not let us pass through there town But in the morning of the we went through vary
quietly before the people were up no one attempted to disturb us & we intended to go to Clay
County that day but the Lord knew best what was for our good & he began to harden our progress
soon one wheel broke down & another run of & one thing followed another to hinder us so that
we did not travel ownly betwen the 2 forks of the fishing river we camped upon an Elevated
peace of Ground having traveled ownly about 15 miles. Fishing river at this point was composed
of seven small streams & those betwen which we had camped were two of them. As we halted and
were makeing preparation for the night five men armed with guns rode into our camp & told us we
see Hell enough before morning and there accompaning oath partook of all the malace of Demands they told
us of the various companies of men forming to come against us to night. 60 from Richmond 70 from
Clay 200 from Jackson &c all had sworn to destroy us. the weather was pleasant at this time all was
calm & sereane but as soon as the men left the camp there was a small cloud as big as a mans
hand seen & it soon began to spread with great rapidity & in a few moments the whole Heavens gathered
blackness & a mightly storm burst with fury upon the Heads of our Enemies the storm tremendious
the wind Hail & rain & thunder met our Enemies in great wrath & soon softened their direful
courage and frustrated all their plans to "kill Joe Smith" & his Armey. Instead of fighting they
crawled into waggons & under them & into Hollow trees one company filled an old shanty & held
the bridles of their Horses betwen the logs of the cabbin till the Horses were so pelted with hail they broke the brid[l]es
across the fingers of their owners & fleed many miles before the storm leaving their riders to suck the Blood
we camped upon the bank of the Mississippi River Here our Enemies strongly threatened that we should not cross
into Missouri. The river being nearly one mile wide & we having but one boat it took two days for us to
pass over into Missouri. while some were ingaged in ferrying others were ingaged in Hunting fishing &c
while Here Sylvestor Smith rebelled against the order of the company & gave vent to his feelings against
the Prophet Joseph this was the first difficulty which had occured in Camp to mar our peace while on
the Journey.
we resumed our Journey & on the camped in a peace of woods near a spring of water
at Salt River whare there was a Branch of the Church.
Sunday we had preaching and in the course of
the day we were Joined by Brother Hyram Smith & Lyman Wight with a company of volunteers which
they had gathered in Michigan. The whole company now consisted of 205 men & 25 baggage waggons
with 2 & 3 Horses each. we remained at Salt River untill the refreshing and reorganizing, which
reorganizing was done by Appointing Lyman Wight Commander in Chief Joseph Smith Appointed
20 men his Life guard & his Brother Hyram was chosen Captain & G. A. Smith his Armour Bearer
the remainder of the company was organized according the pattern given at New Portage. while
at Salt River General Wight marched the camp on the prairie inspeted our fire locks ordered a discharge
of the same at target by platoons drilled us about half a day & returned to camp. we left the Bank of
salt River & travelled 14 miles & camped on a prairie the people manifested a respect for us & some of them
acompanied us some miles upon our Journey. we continued our Journey Daily untill the when
we pitched our tents one mile from Richmond Ray County. The whole country now was in the midst
of Great excitement the inhabitants of Jackson County who had previously driven our people out of
there county were now swareing vengance upon our heads & trying to stir up the feelings of the people
in Clay County against us the judgments of God fell suddenly upon some of the leaders of the mob
in Jackson County & they were drowned in the Missouri River while crossing in a ferry boat
& the buzzards eat the flesh off there bones. A Rumour reached us that the people of Richmond
would not let us pass through there town But in the morning of the we went through vary
quietly before the people were up no one attempted to disturb us & we intended to go to Clay
County that day but the Lord knew best what was for our good & he began to harden our progress
soon one wheel broke down & another run of & one thing followed another to hinder us so that
we did not travel ownly betwen the 2 forks of the fishing river we camped upon an Elevated
peace of Ground having traveled ownly about 15 miles. Fishing river at this point was composed
of seven small streams & those betwen which we had camped were two of them. As we halted and
were makeing preparation for the night five men armed with guns rode into our camp & told us we
see Hell enough before morning and there accompaning oath partook of all the malace of Demands they told
us of the various companies of men forming to come against us to night. 60 from Richmond 70 from
Clay 200 from Jackson &c all had sworn to destroy us. the weather was pleasant at this time all was
calm & sereane but as soon as the men left the camp there was a small cloud as big as a mans
hand seen & it soon began to spread with great rapidity & in a few moments the whole Heavens gathered
blackness & a mightly storm burst with fury upon the Heads of our Enemies the storm tremendious
the wind Hail & rain & thunder met our Enemies in great wrath & soon softened their direful
courage and frustrated all their plans to "kill Joe Smith" & his Armey. Instead of fighting they
crawled into waggons & under them & into Hollow trees one company filled an old shanty & held
the bridles of their Horses betwen the logs of the cabbin till the Horses were so pelted with hail they broke the bridles
across the fingers of their owners & fleed many miles before the storm leaving their riders to suck the Blood
Select a date to see more documents from that day.