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Day in the Life

Apr 13, 1897

Journal Entry

April 13, 1897 ~ Tuesday

April 13th I slept from 4 pm yesterday till 6 am, some 7 1/2 hours. had
a cup of coffee & some bread & milk. I kept my room & rested, walked into
dining room at 12 [p]m. Bro Jas G. Bleak called & wanted my Pioneer Journal


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Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
450 mentions

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Letter from James I. Hatch, 13 April 1897

President Woodruff Dear brother, I resived a call on a mission to Californa and will be ready to go on the day appointed. April 27 your Brother in the gospel Mr James. I. Hatch Lewis M. Grant Bishop

Letter from Lorin Asa Merrill, 13 April 1897

Logan, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I received your call to take a mission to California on June 10th, and can say that I willingly respond to the call. I am willing to do all in my power to forward the work of the Lord on the Earth. I can arrange my affairs to start on the date mentioned, and if nothing happens to prevent, will be in Salt Lake City to be set apart on the date mentioned in the call. At present I am working in Logan, some distance from where my bishop resideds, and will therefore ask my father to endorse this answer. I think this will be all right with him, and trust it will be agreeable to yourself. Your Brother in the Gospel Lorin A. Merrill. M. W. Merrill

Letter from William Robert McCracken, 13 April 1897

Pres. Woodruff Dear Brother: Considering my present circumstances it will be very difficult for me to get to Germany but if it will meet with your appro- val I prefer going where I was first called (Southern States) Awaiting your answer I remain your brother in the Gospel Wm McCracken I guess he had better go to the S. S. J. F. S.

Telegram from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 13 April 1897

Received at 73 Main St., next Deseret Bank, Salt Lake City, at 2 45 P m. Dated, Provo Ut 13 To Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Would you have any objections to our arranging with Mme Mountford to give a series of Lectures in the Academy covering a period of six weeks providing there will be no extra expenses to the School? I think we can make these arrangements if satnctioned by you. BE SURE YOU ANSWER BY THIS LINE. B. Cluff Jr.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Apr 13, 1897