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Day in the Life

Feb 6, 1893

Journal Entry

February 06, 1893 ~ Monday

6 ^[FIGURE 1]^ I received a communication from President Cannon I wrote 2 letter
to M. W. Hatch Telegram to J McA


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
1982 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
604 mentions
Hatch, Melinda Woodruff
15 Dec 1826 - 29 Mar 1893
63 mentions

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Letter from Carl Hansen, 6 February 1893

Spring City President Wilford Woodruff; Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Yours of the 27th ult; bearing the inteligence of ^my^ name having been excepted as a Missionary to Scandinavia, have been duly recieved, and contents carefully considered. Replying, will say, that I feel truly thankfull to the Lord, that he through his Se^r^vants have counted me worthy to go in the Missionary field, and my pressent feelings are that I will use all my endeavors in preparing myself to go, but April next would find me unprepared in a financial sSense, and My Wife and Children would in a great Measure be left unprovided for on my part. Financially my cercumstances may be fbriefly summed up. I left my Native home twenty years ago, arriving here poor and without Relations I entered ^in^ the Service of Apostle Oron Hydes House, and with four years of small earnings I Emigrated five Members of my Fathers House, and have since

Letter from David Holmgren, 6 February 1893

extent, ^if I go,^ but, the passage of scripture, "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all els shall be added," seems to repe^a^te in my sircumstance, and the counsel and information you may send me I'll endievour to follow. Hoping to hear from you again, I remain your brother in the Gospel, David Holmgren, P.S. Bp. Jensen is absent at presant, can endorse the next reply. D. H.

Letter from Eugene Mousley Cannon, 6 February 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro: In response to the call made upon me to go on a mission to the Society Islands, I will say that I am willing and ready to go and do the best that I can in spreading the Gospel Respectfully, your servant in the gospel, Eugene M. Cannon. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Miles F. Weaver, 6 February 1893

Bennington Dear Pres Woodruff In response to your letter Honoring me with a call to Preach the Gospel Abroad I will say that Thiugh I am a poor Man. I enjoy uninterrupted good Health and feel quite will- ing to go. If all is well I shall be ready to start about the 20th of March. Trusting in the spirit of the Lord to Guide me and hoping that you will be pleased to exercise your Faith in my behalf, I subscribe myself Yours in the Gospel Miles F. Weaver [sideways text] A. R. Wright Bp [end of sideways text]

Letter from Septimus Wagstaff Sears, 6 February 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. President Wilford Woodruff City. Daear Sir I have the honor to inclose a letter from W. H. Harvey of Los Angeles which will explain itself. Will you be kind enough to inform me what answer I can make in regard to the use of the Tabernacle. Awaiting your reply I remain Yours very truly Seo. Sears Secretary


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Feb 6, 1893