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Day in the Life

Feb 5, 1893

Journal Entry

February 05, 1893 ~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Edgar Hills, 5 February 1893
Salt Lake City, . President W. WOODRUFF, City. Dear Sir: In reply to yours of the 1st. inst. I will state that it will not be convenient for me to preform the mission as requested Respectfully, Edgar Hills As I guessed. J. F. S.
Letter from Frank Goff, 8 February 1893
West Jordan . President Woodruff. Dear Bro. Yours of the 1st inst. was received to day. On reading your request, I accept and am ready, and willing to go any place where you see fit to send me. Yours in the gospel. Frank Goff. O.K. J. F. S.


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Feb 5, 1893