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Day in the Life

Feb 4, 1893

Journal Entry

February 04, 1893 ~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Hans Adolph Thomsen, 4 February 1893

Mexico President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of January 18th is received and in reply I beg to say that I accept of the call to take a mission to Scandinavia and will do my best to be in Salt Lake City by the time appointed Your Bro in Christ Hans Adolph Thomsen Pacheco Feb. 4, [1]893 Pres. W. Woodruff, Dear Bro: During the time Bro. Thomsen has been a member of this ward he has been a sober, steady, reliable worker and I take pleasure in endorsing his ap- pointment to a foreign mission and also in assuring you of his cheerful accept- ance of the appointment. Very truly Your Bro, J. N. Smith, Jr. Good. J. F. S

Letter from Jonathan Jones Toronto, 4 February 1893

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I received your letter which, I must say, came very unexpectedly, and would say that, although I have always had an idea that if I should ever be called on a mission that it would be perhaps to Italy or some other country of the Old World, where we have a few relatives still livinge; and, where, after fullfilling a mission I might get some of our Geneology etc. But as my name has been suggested for the Society Islands Mission, Will say that I am willing to go where those placed over me see fit to send me, and do the best I can I will be ready to sail from

Letter from John Cutler, 4 February 1893

President Woodruff Dear Bro I have the honor of receiving your letter dated the 1st Inst notifying me as being selected to fill a mission to the Society Islands. In reply will say that I am 78 years old this month am badly ruptured which necesstates a great deal of rest. My increasing infirmites are such that I could not fill this mission satisfactorily. The Wife of my youth

Letter from Joseph Ogden, 4 February 1893

Richfield President Woodruff. Dear brother Your letter of Dec 28th duly received. As I have been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Great Britain, I will state that I will be ready and on hand at the time appointed. Your brother in the Gospel Joseph Ogden. Paul Poulson Bp 1 Ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Walter Paul Jennings, 4 February 1893

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 189 Pres't Woodruff, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, City. Dear Brother; In reply to your communication of the first inst, I beg to say that it will be practically impossible for me to accept the mission to the Society Islands, as you propose in behalf of the Missionary Committee of the Apostles. Yours very respectfully, Walter P. Jennings


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Feb 4, 1893