Meet Ann Hopkinson, one of the many volunteers for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. Ann helps digitize handwritten documents on a number of topics.
“I think everyone should learn about Wilford Woodruff and the work being accomplished by the Project,” says Cliff Simpson, volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. “Wilford Woodruff made possibly the greatest impact on doctrine and practice in the Church of any prophet other than Joseph Smith.”
Meet Susan Vickers, a volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. Susan works on the Transcription Team, transcribing a wide variety of historical documents.
“I know how important it is for all of us to be able to read the words of Latter-day prophets,” says Susannah Jensen, a volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. “I loved the idea of being able to be a part of an organization that helped people do that.”
“It’s amazing the experiences Wilford Woodruff had and the Spirit I can feel just by reading his journals,” said Michelle Pack, a volunteer on the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. She continued, “I have enjoyed having that Spirit with me.”
Miraculous—that’s how Peggy Chappell describes the gifts of Wilford Woodruff. “I have always loved Church history and have learned that our knowledge of many of the details of our Church’s history exists only because Wilford Woodruff kept a meticulous journal and had the wonderful gift of being able to remember entire sermons until they were recorded,” she notes.
“Volunteering has given me the opportunity to serve in my busy schedule and receive spiritual peace from that service,” says Rob Swanson, volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project.
“As I’ve studied and read some of the things that the Project is involved in, I’ve come to realize that Wilford Woodruff is not only a great American historian, but also has kept wonderful journals about Church history, temple endowment development, and his relationship with the prophet Joseph,” shares Brad Sawyer, Development Committee Chair on the Board of Directors of the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation.
“I have felt a spark kindled regarding my family history in the early days of the Church,” shares Laurie Low, a member of the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation Board.