“Redemption Cometh in and through the Holy Messiah”

by Rob Swanson

Come, Follow Me

When Father Lehi gave what were perhaps his final words of counsel and advice to his son Jacob, he focused on the role of Jesus Christ in the plan of salvation, particularly His ability to redeem humankind from the Fall of Adam and Eve. This counsel, now recorded in 2 Nephi 2, leads the reader through the purpose of Christ’s coming, the role of the Fall, and the importance of humankind’s agency.

Asking Big Questions: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

by Maddie Christensen

Big Questions

In a world full of natural disasters, instability, wars, and conflicts, many people wonder why terrible things continue to happen. It feels like we are constantly being bombarded with bad news, heartache, and grief. Through our time here on Earth, we will go through various trials and tribulations that can be hard to understand. So, why do bad things happen to people who are trying to do good? There are three main reasons: 

Volunteer Spotlight: Rob Swanson

by Maddie Christensen

Volunteer Spotlights

“Volunteering has given me the opportunity to serve in my busy schedule and receive spiritual peace from that service,” says Rob Swanson, volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. 

"Christ Prepares a Way"

by Craig Lindquist

Come, Follow Me

The Book of Mormon is the greatest masterclass for navigating this mortal life. In its pages we are taught principles directly from Jesus Christ, such as “I will also be your light in the wilderness, and I will prepare the way before you” (1 Nephi 17:13). Then we are taught by the stories of real people how those principles are accomplished.

Asking Big Questions: How Do I Help Those Going through a Faith Crisis While Staying Strong in My Testimony?

by Lyndie Jackson

Big Questions

Isaiah foresaw a time when good would be called evil and evil would be called good. We live in the time he saw—a time when noisy opinions conflict with what we know to be true. Most of us know someone who currently struggles or has struggled with these conflicting ideas, and as disciples of Jesus Christ, we can help them.

“Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

“The armies of God are larger than the armies of Lucifer,” Elder Larry R. Lawrence said. “You may look around and think to yourself, ‘The world is becoming more and more wicked. Satan must be winning the war.’ Don’t be fooled. The truth is, we outnumber the enemy.”

“Come and Partake of the Fruit”

by Shauna Horne

Come, Follow Me

The Come, Follow Me manual for this week says, “Even if you have studied Lehi’s vision many times, this time think about it the way Lehi did—think of someone you love.” 

"I Will Go and Do: The Principle of Obedience"

by Kristi Favro

Come, Follow Me

Wilford Woodruff taught many lessons through his words and example about being obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. He once shared, “I have been blessed at times with certain gifts and graces, certain revelations and ministrations; but with them all I have never found anything that I could place more dependence upon than the still small voice of the Holy Ghost.”

"Book of Mormon Introduction"

by Craig Lindquist

Come, Follow Me

We have spent these past weeks immersed in the birth, life, and teachings of Jesus Christ. We love Him. We worship Him. We are immensely grateful for the gifts He has given us. Of these gifts, Phillips Brooks wrote, “How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given. So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven.” This is the pattern of God’s gifts to us; they do indeed come quietly, without fanfare, often not even recognized.