Meet Part of Our Autobiography Transcription Team

by Kristy Wheelwright Taylor

This picture includes members of our Autobiography Transcription Team and they know how to get the job done. These ladies work in pairs to complete the second level of document verification (2LV), which means that one of them reads the original document while the other reads the transcription to check for errors. They also do transcription and subject links, which allow you to click on names and places in the documents on the website and learn more about who Wilford interacted with and where they lived. Our Autobiography Team has transcribed ten of the eleven autobiographies and verified six so far. From the left, Laura Willes, Ashlyn Dyer Pells, Margaret Wheelwright, Jennifer Mackley, Kristy Wheelwright Taylor, Ginny Simmons, and Elise Mackley. We are grateful for such willing volunteers who are driving the work forward at such a great pace.

If you are interested in volunteering, click here, to find out more.

You can also visit Meet the Team, here, to get to know more about our Board Members and Advisors.