continued labouring with us for several
days and on the 31st of Dec I with
my Brother Azmon Woodruff with
two yong females which had been hea
led by the laying on of hands went forw
ard in baptism. the day following there
was several others followed our example
among the rest was Noah Holton
a preacher in the freewill Baptist
church and several of the members
of his church followed him in the ordi
nance of baptism. And on the 2nd of
Jan.ry. 1834 Brother Pulsipher es^s^tablish
ed a branch of the Church of Christ in Richland Oswego Co. N. Y. containing
twelve members. He ordained Brother
Azmon Woodruff & Brother Noah
Holton Elders and myself a teacher in
the Church of Christ I truly felt that
I could exclaim with the servant of
God that it was better to be a door
keeper in the house of God than to
dwell in the tents of wickedness [Psalms 84:10] I felt
much of the spirit of God bearing witness
Continued labouring with us for several
days and on the 31st of Dec I with
my Brother Azmon Woodruff with
two yong females which had been hea
led by the laying on of hands went forw
ard in baptism. the day following there
was several others followed our example
among the rest was Noah Hatton
a preacher in the freewill Baptist
Church and several of the members
of his Church followed him in the ordi
nance of baptism. And on the 2nd of
Jan.ry. 1834 Brother Pulsipher esstablish
ed a branch of the Church of Christ in
Richland Oswego Co. N.Y. containing
twelve members. He ordained Brother
Azmon Woodruff & Brother Noah
Hatton Elders and myself a teacher in
the Church of Christ. I truly felt that
I could exclaim with the servant of
God that it was better to be a door
keeper in the house of God than to
dwell in the tents of wickedness I felt
much of the spirit of God bearing witness
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"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," December 31, 1833 - January 2, 1834, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,