The foregowing was inclosed in the following
letter to their Lawyers,
Will you be so good
as to read the inclosed then seal and hand to
the Judge. We have given him an early hint
fearing that he might be induced by the sol-
icitation of our enemies to prepare a sale of our
lands, which you well know whould be like
selling our children into slavery, and urging of
such a measure whould avail nothing unless to
produce an excitement against us in this country
as requested last Thursday. We hope you will
be present on Monday.
Saturday [Sunday] 15th,
Traveled twelve miles, on the way Orson Hyde
and Parley P. Pratt returned to us from Jefferson
City, and reported that Governer Dunkin
refused to fulfill his promice to reinstate the
brotherin on their lands in Jackson County
on the grounds of impracticability. We crossed
the Chariton River at its mouth and encamped
on the west bank. Bishop Patridge came into the
camp from Clay County, we received much
information from him concerning the hostile
The foregowing was inclosed in the following
letter to their Lawyers,
Will you be so good
as to read the inclosed then seal and hand to
the Judge. We have given him an early hint
fearing that he might be induced by the solicitation of our enemies to prepare a sale of our
lands, which you well know whould be like
selling our children into slavery, and urging of
such a measure whould avail nothing unless to
produce an excitement against us in this country
as requested last Thursday. We hope you will
be present on Monday.
Saturday Sunday 15th,
Traveled twelve miles, on the way Orson Hyde
and Parley P. Pratt returned to us from Jefferson
City, and reported that Governer Dunkin
refused to fulfill his promice to reinstate the
brotherin on their lands in Jackson County
on the grounds of impracticability. We crossed
the Chariton River at its mouth and encamped
on the west bank. Bishop Patridge came into the
camp from Clay County, we received much
information from him concerning the hostile