Discourse 1889-03-03


Discourse 1889-03-03
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    President Wilford Woodruff. Brother Cannon has touched upon some very important principles here tonight regarding the Holy Priest- hood, and I feel disposed to make a few remarks upon some things con- nected therewith.
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    In the first place, I will say that the Prophet Joseph taught us that Father Adam was the first man on the earth to whom God gave the keys of the Everlasting Priesthood. He held the keys of the Presidency, and was the first man who did hold them. Noah stood next to him. These keys were given to Noah, he being the father of all living in his day, as Adam was in his day. [Doctrine and ...
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    Some of you have read the history of the power of the devil in Eng- land, when the fallen angels that are upon the earth made war upon Brother Kimball, Brother Hyde, Brother Fielding and Brother Rus- sell, who had all they could do to live in the midst of that kind of warfare. These evil spirits knocked down Brother Russell and Brother Hyde. They didn't Brother Kim- ball; but that power fell upon him. His eyes were opened ...
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    ders of Israel; I have got to meet Father Adam, in the Kingdom of God in the heavens; and we have all got to give an account to him, as our Great Progenitor and the first man who held the keys of the Priesthood on the earth. When I go there and meet him, I shall have to render an account of what I do here. The Lord has chosen the weak things of the world to do His work. But He is ...