Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1887

Journal Entry

July 25, 1887 ~ Monday

July 25 1887

President John Taylor
5 Minutes to 8 oclok P. M.
July 25, 1887

Aged 78 Years
8 Months, & 24 days

Thus another President of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints has passed away
President John Taylor is twice a Marter at the
Death of the Prophet Joseph & Hyrum Smith
in Carthage Jail He was shot with four Balls &
Mingled his Blood with the Martered Prophets
This was in 1844. Now in 1887 Now He is
Driven into Exile By the United States officers
for his religion untill through his confinement
and suffering He lays down his life and suffers

"Leave Judgment with me for it is mine, and
I will repay" Saith the Lord God sec 82, verse 23 D. C.

President John Taylor Died to day at 5 Minuts to 8 oclk
which Lays the responsibility of the care of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints upon my shoulders
as President of the Church or President of the Twelve
Apostles which is the presiding authority of the Church
in the Absens of the first Presidency, this places me
in a vary Peculiar situation A Position I have never
looked for during my life But in the Providence of God
it is laid upon me, And I pray God my Heavenly
to give me Grace Equil to my Day, it is a High
and responsible position for any Man to occupy
and a position that Needs great wisdom I
never Expected to outlive President Taylor (untill
July 25 see the date) But it has come to Pass Bishop
Edward Hunter in several instances said I should
outlive President Taylor and be president of the Church
I chashed him on those occasions, and asked him not
to Prophesy to me upon that subject He said Nevertheless
it was true. It certainly has come to Pass And I
can ownly say Marvelous are thy ways O Lord
God Almighty, For thou has certainly chosen
the weak thing of this world to perform thy work
on the Earth. May thy servant Wilford be prepared
for whatever awaits him on Earth and have power
to perform whatever is required at his hands by the
God of Heaven, I ask this Blessing of my Heavenly
Father in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of
the Living God


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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President John Taylor DIED 5 Minutes to 8 oclok P. M. July 25, 1887 Aged 78 Years 8 Months, & 24 days Thus another President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has passed away President John Taylor is twice a Marter at the Death of the Prophet Joseph & Hyrum Smith in Carthage Jail He was shot with four Balls & Mingled his Blood with the Martered Prophets This was in 1844. Now in 1887 Now He is Driven into Exile By the United States officers for his religion untill through his confinement and suffering He lays down his life and suffers Death
~ Wilford Woodruff
July 25 1887 [FIGURES] President John Taylor Died to day at 5 Minuts to 8 oclk which Lays the responsibility of the care of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints upon my shoulders as President of the Church or President of the Twelve Apostles which is the presiding authority of the Church in the Absens of the first Presidency, this places me in a vary Peculiar situation A Position I have never looked for during my life But in the Providence of God it is laid upon me, And I pray God my Heavenly Father to give me Grace Equil to my Day, it is a High and responsible position for any Man to occupy and a position that Needs great wisdom
~ Wilford Woodruff
Bishop Edward Hunter in several instances said I should outlive President Taylor and be president of the Church I chashed him on those occasions, and asked him not to Prophesy to me upon that subject He said Nevertheless it was true. It certainly has come to Pass And I can ownly say Marvelous are thy ways O Lord God Almighty, For thou has certainly chosen the weak thing of this world to perform thy work on the Earth. May thy servant Wilford be prepared for whatever awaits him on Earth and have power to perform whatever is required at his hands by the God of Heaven, I ask this Blessing of my Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Autobiography 1897 Deseret Weekly
President Taylor died , and it fell to my lot to succeed him in presiding. I was accepted as the President of
Letter to Thomas and Caroline Smith Cottam, 25 July 1887
Richfield Severe County Dear Brother & Sister Cottam While Brother Wm is writing to Emma, I will try to scratch a few lines to you As Brother Wm Has given a full listing about our team and colts to Emma I will say nothing about that ownly it was like leaving a couple of children to leave those two poor Little colts but we could not travel any Longer with them and it was a Marvel that we got them as far as we did But there is a good old Danish Grand Mother who will give them green Lucern Evry day and I think they would do better than they would to travel. I am as Well as usual ownly I get vary weary come night in Riding all day. We have felt anxious to hear from Sister Cottam to know how she was doing. We learn that president Taylor is still Livigng but vary Low I Expect we will be in Salt Lake County in 4 or 5 days if all is Well We have not Been in a situation to write while on the Road before while we camped on Fish Creek for 24 Hours to doctor the colts & give them rest I went to fishing I caught 54 trout small ones so we had a plenty of fish to Eat I would be vary glad to come in & spend a night with you and see how you are getting along please give my Love to Amelia George & Thomas & families And Ask Thomas if He is fulfilling the mission I gave him I dont want him to Neglect that for He that is faithful in killing some game for his Mother will be blessed with a plenty to eat so Brother Thomas remember your promise I want to be Remembered to Sister Emma & family I Expect is a [vaczum] in the family Brother Wm & myself being gone
Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)
25 We spent the day at Thurbers resting [FIGURE] I wrote ^I wrote^ 3 letters [Stones Durham] parawun


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Jul 25, 1887