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Day in the Life

Jun 13, 1884

Journal Entry

June 13, 1884 ~ Friday

13 We left Br Parkers at 8 oclok and Returned
to Rexic^ks^burg ferry crossed over on the ferry boat
we then went up snake River and we crossed
the river 7 of us in a skiff 600 feet across in
a rapid curant but had to make 3 trips it was rather
Dangerous 23 miles to the River Br Albert L Elsworth
took us in his waggon and carried us to his house
4 miles on spring Creek distance of the day 27 Miles
we took dinner then road to John R Pool's 4 Miles
& spent the night 4 Mils


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Ricks, Thomas Edwin
21 Jul 1828 - 28 Sep 1901
146 mentions
5 mentions


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Jun 13, 1884