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Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1862

Journal Entry

January 17, 1862 ~ Friday

17 [FIGURE] Porter Rockwell and guard arived in this city
this morning delivered two live priseioners & one dead
one to the poliece & while taking John Smith & Moroni Clawson
to the Court House prision they Both tried to get away
and were both tried shot dead and all three dead Bodies
were brought to the Court House and Clawson & Smith lay
in a waggon out doors till afternoon & were visited by
Hundreds of People. Lot Huntington's Body laid in the suller
we met in the Legislature at Eleven oclok sat till 4 oclok
Had an intimission of two hours Met again at 6 oclok & sat
till midnight


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Council (Legislature) of the State of Deseret meets simultaneously with Utah Territorial Legislature.

Jan 17, 1862