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Day in the Life

Jun 4, 1836

Journal Entry

June 04, 1836 ~ Saturday

4th Rode from Mr Roggers to Mr William B Aments
at the rolling mill Steward County Tenn distance of
the day over a rough road 40 miles


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Rogers, Jesse
abt. 1765-bef. 1844
8 mentions
4 mentions
1835 Southern Convert


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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
4 Rode from Mr Roggers to Mr William B Aments at the rolling mill Steward Coounty Tenn travled over a rough country for the distance of 40 miles


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Wilford called to be a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy at age 29.

Jun 4, 1836