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These short biographies identify individuals by name; birth date and location; parentage; marriage date and location (if applicable); baptism date and location (if applicable); death date and location; and a brief description of their association with Wilford Woodruff. A biographical reference is included for individuals who are mentioned in the Papers but may not have associated directly with him, such as historical and scriptural figures.

This list is regularly updated as new documents are transcribed and published on this site.


Abplanalp, Peter
2 Mar 1829 - 28 May 1900
5 mentions
Bishops in Letter
Anderson, Anders Peter
8 Dec 1847 - 9 Apr 1932
6 mentions
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Ballard, Henry
27 Jan 1832 - 26 Feb 1908
13 mentions
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Bishops in Letter
Baxter, John McKinnon
3 Jun 1859 - 17 Jul 1936
3 mentions
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Bishops in Letter
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17 mentions
Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Cannon, Carl John
25 Aug 1841 - 10 May 1920
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
1 mention
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Critchlow, Benjamin Chamberlin
20 Dec 1835 - 31 Aug 1924
1 mention
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
16 mentions
Bishops in Letter
1 mention
Bishops in Letter
Egbert, John Alexander
28 Mar 1842 - 2 Oct 1915
16 mentions
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1 mention
Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Giles, Henry Kingman
12 Dec 1857 - 11 Nov 1892
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Griffin, William Hyrum
8 Nov 1847 - 25 Jun 1936
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Bishops in Letter
4 mentions
Bishops in Letter, Missionary
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Bishops in Letter
37 mentions
Bishops in Letter, Missionary
1 mention
Bishops in Letter
Hansen, Jens
28 Jul 1824 - 27 Jun 1911
8 mentions
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Bishops in Letter
6 mentions
Bishops in Letter
Harris, Moses David
7 Apr 1864 - 5 Aug 1954
4 mentions
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Hatch, Lorenzo Lafayette
25 Dec 1851 - 7 Nov 1921
39 mentions
Bishops in Letter, Missionary
Hogan, Ira
1 mention
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Bishops in Letter
Hughes, Henry
8 mentions
Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Hymas, Benjamin
26 May 1846 - 15 May 1925
1 mention
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Bishops in Letter
Jensen, Carl
13 mentions
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
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1 mention
Bishops in Letter
Jones, Robert
2 mentions
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1 mention
Bishops in Letter
King, Culbert
31 Jan 1836 - 26 Oct 1909
3 mentions
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1 mention
Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Larson, Johan August
27 Aug 1848 - 29 Dec 1929
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Magleby, Orson
8 Nov 1865 - 28 Aug 1928
15 mentions
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Bishops in Letter
Matthews, David Henry
28 Dec 1851 - 22 Dec 1919
1 mention
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McMullin, Brigham Young
29 Mar 1851 - 21 Dec 1927
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Nelson, Andrew Ekelund
11 May 1834 - 15 Nov 1900
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Openshaw, Eli
7 mentions
Bishops in Letter, Missionary
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Bishops in Letter
Parsons, William (Jr.)
4 Dec 1849 - 12 Aug 1916
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1 mention
Bishops in Letter
Petterson, Hans Djurröd
26 Nov 1832 - 11 Jan 1905
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Petty, William George
3 Sep 1831 - 8 Feb 1921
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Pincock, John Edmund
16 Dec 1853 - 16 Oct 1924
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18 mentions
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Bishops in Letter
Porter, Joseph Rich
29 Mar 1844 - 1 Aug 1912
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Reid, William Taylor
21 Jul 1830 - 28 Feb 1904
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Scott, Franklin
1 Dec 0851 - 7 Aug 1901
1 mention
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Simmons, Alphonzo Bert
3 Jul 1861 - 20 Apr 1938
1 mention
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Skinner, John
1 mention
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Bishops in Letter
Speirs, Adam
7 Jul 1834 - 2 Jun 1908
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Taylor, Levi James (Sr.)
20 May 1851 - 28 Dec 1935
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Bishops in Letter
Waddoups, William (Sr.)
19 Aug 1840 - 14 Nov 1931
1 mention
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
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Bishops in Letter
Willis, William Wesley, b. 1859
21 Mar 1859 - 5 Dec 1926
1 mention
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Wilson, Joseph E. (Sr.)
2 May 1858 - 25 Oct 1930
1 mention
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Zundel, Abraham
25 Jan 1836 - 20 Mar 1917
10 mentions
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15 mentions
Bishops in Letter