Wilford Woodruff called to first Quorum of the Seventy | Day in the Life of Wilford Woodruff

Speaker: Aubrey Barzee

Writer: Maddie Christensen 

Editor: Jacob Edmunds

Day in the Life


On January 3, 1837 Wilford Woodruff was called as a member of the Quorum of the First Seventy. He wrote, 

“President Zebedee Coltrin ordained me as a member of the first Seventy & pronounced great blessings upon my head. Some of them I will mention are as follows: that my enemies may confine me in prisons & chains but that I would rend the prisons & chains in twain in the name of Jesus Christ & that the Lord would give me great power, knowledge, wisdom, and faith. I felt much of the power of God rest upon me in this ordinance.”

We are so blessed to have the priesthood on this Earth today. I am grateful for the priesthood power because it makes covenants, or promises with God, possible. I know I can access strength and power from Jesus Christ beyond my own to handle life’s difficulties! How has the priesthood been a blessing in your life?