The following is A License Receieved from Elder Warren Parrish
This certifies that Willford Woodruff has been
receieved into this Church of ^the^ Latter Day Saints
organized on the 6th Day of Aprail 1830 and has
been ordained an Elder according to the rules
and regulations of said Church and is duly authorized
to preach the gospel and act in all the ordinances
of the house of the LORD agreeable to the authority
of that office given under my hand by the
voice of the Eagle Creek branch of the Church of
the latter day Saints on the 28th Day of June 1835
Rode from Br Medlock's to Br Frys in company
with Elders Parrish & Nicholson spent several hours
in writing then Rode to Squire Ivins Br Parrish
baptized 1 person from thence to Br Walkers 4 miles
Rode to Br J Jackson's preached at his hous 4 miles
this was A day appointed by our enemies to meet at Br
Jacksons for the purpos of mobing us but while sickness fell
upon some & fear upon others they Abandoned their designs
The following is A License Receieved from Elder
Warren Parrish
This certifies that Willford Woodruff has been
receieved into this Church of the Latter Day Saints
organized on the 6th Day of Aprail 1830 and has
been ordained an Elder according to the rules
and regulations of said Church and is duly authorized
to preach the gospel and act in all the ordinances
of the house of the LORD agreeable to the authority
of that office given under my hand by the
voice of the Eagle Creek branch of the Church of
the latter day Saints on the 28th Day of June 1835
Rode from Br Medlock's to Br Frys in company
with Elders Parrish & Nicholson spent several hours
in writing then Rode to Squire Ivins Br Parrish
baptized 1 person from thence to Br Walkers 4 miles
Crossed the River Rode to Br Utleys distance 12 miles
Br Parrish baptized 3 in Henry Co on the same day
July 7, 1835 ~ Tuesday
Rode to Br J Jackson's preached at his hous 4 miles
this was A day appointed by our enemies to meet at Br
Jacksons for the purpos of mobing us but while sickness fell
upon some & fear upon others they Abandoned their designs
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," June 29, 1835 - July 7, 1835, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 17, 2025,