buy all the lands that the said Mormons
own in the County of and also
all the improvements which the said Mormons
had on any of the public lands in said
County of Jackson as they exhisted before the
first disturbance between the people of Jackson
and the Mormons, and for such as they have
made since. They further more propose that the
valuation of said land and improvements shall
be ascertained by three disintrested inhabitants to
be chosen and agreed to by both parties. They
further propose that should the parties disagree
in the choice of arbitraters then ; ; ; ; is to choose
them. They further more propose that twelve
of the Mormons shall go along with the arbi-
trators to show them the land and improvements
while valueing the same, and such others of
the Mormons as the arbitrators shall want to
do so to give them information, and the people
of Jackson County garentee their entire safety
while doeing so, they further propose that
when the arbitraters report the value of the land
and improvements as afore said, the people of
Jackson County will pay the valuation with
one hundred percent added thereon, to the
Mormons within thirty days thereafter. They further
propose that the Mormons are not to make
buy all the lands that the said Mormons
own in the County of and also
all the improvements which the said Mormons
had on any of the public lands in said
County of Jackson as they exhisted before the
first disturbance between the people of Jackson
and the Mormons, and for such as they have
made since. They further more propose that the
valuation of said land and improvements shall
be ascertained by three disintrested inhabitants to
be chosen and agreed to by both parties. They
further propose that should the parties disagree
in the choice of arbitraters then ; ; ; ; is to choose
them. They further more propose that twelve
of the Mormons shall go along with the arbitrators to show them the land and improvements
while valueing the same, and such others of
the Mormons as the arbitrators shall want to
do so to give them information, and the people
of Jackson County garentee their entire safety
while doeing so, they further propose that
when the arbitraters report the value of the land
and improvements as afore said, the people of
Jackson County will pay the valuation with
one hundred percent added thereon, to the
Mormons within thirty days thereafter. They further
propose that the Mormons are not to make