24th I preached at Br Haws house in the
evening had the Spirit of the Lord & an inter
esting time
~ Thursday
25th Met with the quorum of the Twelve at President youngs house had a good
prayer meeting [FIGURE] O H Br Orson Hyde was
present had not met with us for some time
Orson Hyde Received his 2nd Anointing.
~ Friday
26 I met with the Twelve this evening
also at Br B. Youngs time was spent in
exhortation mostly [FIGURE]O P
spoke & we were edefyed Elder O. Pratt Received his 2nd Anointing
~ Saturday
27th The quorum met for
a meeting in the evening at Josephstore
had a number of prayers & exhortations
upon the subject of holiness of hart &c [FIGURE] W R & [FIGURE] J R Br & Sister Richards were present
they had both been unwell for a number of
days before but wer able to attend meeting
this evening & seemed to enjoy themselves
well. they had received blessings by the prayer
of faith Willard & Jannetta Richards Received
their 2nd Anointing and sealing
~ Wednesday
24th I preached at Haws house in the
evening had the spirit of the Lord & an inter
esting time
~ Thursday
25th [FIGURE] Met with the quorum of the Twelve
[FIGURE] at President Youngs house had a good
prayer meeting [FIGURE] OH Br Orson Hyde was
present had not met with us for sometime
Orson Hyde Received his 2d Anointing.
~ Friday
26 [FIGURE] I met with the Twelve this evening
also at Br B. Youngs time was spent in
exhortation mostly [FIGURE] OP
spoke & we were edefyed
Elder O Pratt Received his 2d Anointing
~ Saturday
27th FIGURES The quorum met for
a meeting in the evening at Joseph Store
had a number of prayers & exhortations
upon the subject of holiness of hart &c
[FIGURE] WR & [FIGURE] JR Br & Sister Richards were present
they had both been unwell for a number of
days before but wer able to attend meeting
this evening & seemed to enjoy themselves
well, they had received blessings by the prayer
of faith Willard & Janetta Richards Received
their 2d Anointing and sealing.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," January 24, 1844 - January 27, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/DWk