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Day in the Life

May 12, 1897

Journal Entry

May 12, 1897 ~ Wednesday

May 12th I slept 5 hours from midnight to 7 a.m. dressed & ate
breakfast, took a short walk, and drove to the office. On my way
home at 330 called at Wilfords. he nor family not at home. I invited
Bro McHenry & wife & Dr Leslie Snow to the Theatre & went myself with Emma
W. McEwan &Alice & Bro Barrell. Play "Fron Fron" got home about


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
874 mentions
15 mentions
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
175 mentions
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
181 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
699 mentions
27 mentions

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Letter from Parley Magleby, 12 May 1897
Monroe, Pres. Wilfred Woodruf Dear Brother, Your letter of inquiry is at hand will say in answer that I have been notified for over a year to take a mission. Your call now wishes to know what I think of going to Scandanavia. Have had quite a heavy school debt to pay within the last year, limiting my money supply. It would agree with my feelings and means to take my mission to the United States somewhere. If you feel to make the change I amy ready at any date you wish. Your brother Parley Magleby
Letter from Parley Parker Pratt Jr., 12 May 1897
Pres. W. Woodruff,- Dear Brother,- To-day I received your favor of the 3rd inst, in regard to my movements; the word came to me with some feelings of regret, as I had made up my mind to travel, all being wel, into other states, and was waiting paitienetly for the 1/2 fare permit, Brother Reynolds expected to procure. Although it is quite a trial to me to be thus restricted, I will take your council, - beleiving all will turn out for the best. While in Ogden I took a severe cold, when LaGripline set in and I have been a constant sufferer for over 2 months, having lost some


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 12, 1897