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Day in the Life

Jan 6, 1893

Journal Entry

January 06, 1893 ~ Friday

6. We had a Meeting with many of the Brethren & we visited
the Temple and decided about the paintings on the wall
I Paid $500 to day on the Temple which made $2000 on the
Temple for 1892, & $200 on tithing which made $980.40 cts in /[18]92


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Letter from Henry Holyoak, 6 January 1893
^(3)^ President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to yours of Dec 28 will say that I will try and be ready to respond to the call If I can get my affairs arranged by that time viz April 12 1893 if not I will write and inform you Please let me know what amount of means it will take to carry me to my field of labor Your Brothers in the Gospel Henry Holyoak R. H. Stewart Bishop p[e]r D. A. Johnson Ward clerk All right. Please give him the information he needs. J. F. S. Answered Spence
Letter from John Lowe, 6 January 1893
Grape Creek Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your notice of my name being suggested and accepteance of my name for a mission to Great Britain but it is imposable for me to accept (first Reason, I have not got the Money to pay my way Second. I am living in ^a^ place where I cannot leave my family and third my family is not in a condition that I can leave them. Your Brother in the Gospel John Lowe Let him be Excused J. F. S.


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Jan 6, 1893