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Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1893

Journal Entry

January 01, 1893 ~ Sunday

Jan 1, 1893
I spent most of the day at home I spent the Evening at Beebe


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Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
164 mentions

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Letter from Lorenzo Dowe Rudd, circa January 1893
Letter to Joseph Don Carlos Young, 1 January 1893
St. George Elder Jos. D C Young Temple Block Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 28th instant. In regard to chairs for seating, Creation, Garden, Telestial and Terrestrial rooms in Salt Lake Temple, and suggestions in relation to font asked for, came to hand today. -[Above line]- -{There are no objections stated I know of in using the seat referred to}- I think the iron chairs will do very well for the creation room. [redacted text] In regard to the font, the one in Manti Temple is the style you expect to follow. Very good. But should not be as deep as to expose the person being baptized to the gaze of spectators on the side or at the end in clothing becoming disarranged by the pull of the water. Suggest seats for witnesses as well as Recorder and confirmers be so arranged so that all can see as well as hear the blessing. As no steps were cast in the present temples by which to assist into the confirmation chair, I would suggest that this be done. The steps may be added after the baptismal font is in place. Enclosed plans to find what care considered practicable. The place for desk here given for the Recorder -[Words erased]- will perceivably put him in the most comfortable position to perform the duty enjoined upon him in the Doctrine and Covenants


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Jan 1, 1893