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Day in the Life

Jan 6, 1856

Journal Entry

January 06, 1856 ~ Sunday

6th Sunday I wrote 8 Letters to day to my family in answer
[FIGURE] to theirs. I did not attend meeting through the day
President Young spoke to the people in the forenoon upon
the subject of mens Judging each other. He said He reproved
men for their acts but He was not prepared to cast men
down to Hell for their imperfections & acts untill he knew the
hearts of men & principles by which they were governed
He also said that a person always had to experience the oppositi[on]
& pass through sorrow pain & affliction before he could be
exhalted to glory & if a man had the exact glory that
Jesus had he would have to die in the same way & if a
man passed through this world without passing through
the dregs of poverty he would have to pass through it hereafter
before he could be exhalted to Eternal riches in their fulness
their is no other way for men to get an exhaltation but
to follow their file Leader. The Twelve have no right
to ask the Presidency why they do this or that or why they
tell the Twelve to do this or that ownly go & do as they are
told & this same principle should go through evry quorum
in the church & kingdom of God on Earth & ^when^ this rule is observed
then the kingdom will be ours.

He reproved the people for selling their land warrants said
the wicked would put those vary land warrants upon our
possessions & then there would be a fuss with the Mormons & that
was what the people of the world

[rest of page blank]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3302 mentions
Apostle, Family


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Jan 6, 1856