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Day in the Life

Apr 8, 1855

Journal Entry

April 08, 1855 ~ Sunday

8th Sunday this day was mostly spent in hearing the testimony
of the Twelve Apostles & the Presidency much of the spirit of
of God rested upon the people & we never had a Better conference
about 160 men were appointed missions mostly to the Lamanites
the conference Adjourned till the 6th Oct next. I herd an important
addresse from B Young to the Bishops reported By Dr vale


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Discourse 1855-04-08
Elder WOODRUFF said, that the more conferences we have, the more they improve in interest; it was music to his ears to hear testimony of the truth; referred to the ded- ication of the Temple in Nauvoo, and to the wars and dis- tress among the nations.


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Apr 8, 1855