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Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1850

Journal Entry

February 20, 1850 ~ Wednesday

20th Elders Heywood & Woolley called upon me to day from the valley
I conversed with them upon many things I walked with them
over Boston they stop at B F Baker No 4 Rowe Place Boston their
shiping Houses are R. M. Livingston St Louis, C F Bud of New Orleans


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Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
113 mentions
Heywood, Joseph Leland
1 Aug 1815 - 16 Oct 1910
71 mentions


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February 21, 1850 ~ Thursday 21st [FIGURES] I Recieved one letter from George H. Russell & wrote one to I. F. Carter. Brother Wallace called upon me to day on his mission to England, we conversed upon things in the valley, and all the news all the brethren bring from the Valley is cheering to the soul the time to favor Zion is in vary deed come the saints are prosipering in all things
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Joseph Russell, 20 February 1850
Miramichi President W. Wolfoodd Woodruff Bloved Brother your very acptable letter came Duly to hand of Date 9th February wthe its place of Intelagence of the Right Kind which I am Ever Indeted to you for to geather with the Guardian of [Deals] 26th No 24 in Brother Woodruff. Prest take it for granted that I Can only Render him a Recompence of Reward, by a [illegible] Rendering my waramest and Greatfull thanks for all the past favors and kind atintion togather with Every [Infatme] that ^I^ Could desire. it is quite an Excitment to us and to and Revives ours spirits and Enables ^us^ to Rejoice in hope. when I write to y I feel as if I weare some thing Gelty becas I have no Intelingence to give you. but I know that you know the lockalets of this Dark Sect and Carnes of the Sacttearous pregdizd and as [and] I think that it be will be a Desired Day when I will have my Back towards it yet that ^is^ Defactly Induring up after Defactly that was now foresawed Before, yet not able to prevent the Designes of and purposess of my havenly Father. this is no Dute but I well have to Leve some of my [possable] old busness behind for some one to do


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Feb 20, 1850