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Day in the Life

Feb 10, 1850

Journal Entry

February 10, 1850 ~ Sunday

10th Sunday I Preached to the Saints fwas followed by Elder
Hardy & others I had a good meeting I spent the night at
Mr Burbanks.


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Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
222 mentions
9 mentions


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February 21, 1850 ~ Thursday 21st [FIGURES] I Recieved one letter from George H. Russell & wrote one to I. F. Carter. Brother Wallace called upon me to day on his mission to England, we conversed upon things in the valley, and all the news all the brethren bring from the Valley is cheering to the soul the time to favor Zion is in vary deed come the saints are prosipering in all things
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from George Hunter Russell, 10 February 1850
Elder Woodruff. My Dear Sir, I have much pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your estimed letter of 9th ints Enclosing a letter to my Father which I delivered to him immediately on arrival, the interesting news it contined quite delighted us all but more particularly as my Father who at all times feels a lively interest in all things relating to the prosperity of the Kingdom of the latter days, and he with us all feel very grateful to Elder Woodruff for the trouble & attention he has taken to give us information [ament] this subject. My Father has been suffering a good ^deal^ lately with rheumations thus been confined to the house for some time, which operates very badly in reference to his business,— he desires me to say to you that on the 20th Instant it is his intention to send you the bill of exchange formely alluded to by him, he has been in the habit of doing a little business yearly with Messr Marland Phelps & Co


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Feb 10, 1850