Day in the Life

May 18, 1844

Journal Entry

May 18, 1844 ~ Saturday

May 18th

Conference met in Georgetown ^Newark^ Kendle Co
at one oclok P.M. there were present W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith of the quorum of the Twelve
1 High Priest, 2 Seventies, 9 Elders, 1 Priest, 1 Teacher
Conference called to order by Elder Woodruff
Elder G. A. Smith called to the chair.

Conference opened by singing and prayer
by the President

Representation of the several branches called for

Archibal M. Wilson reprepresented the Newark branch 35 ^m[embers]^ 1 eElder 1 Teacher
Ole Hare [reprepresented] Lasalle branch 46 2 Elders
Elder Brighton]] [reprepresented] Ottaway ^b[ranch]^ 16 2 [Elders]
[Elder Brighton reprepresented] Indian Creek 5
[Elder Brighton] Big Vermillion 4
Elder Anderson]], rep Beavaro ^Beavro^ Branch 15 3
French Creek Grove 2
Plesasant Grove McHenry Co 10 2
133 m 910 Elders 1 T.

It was moved, secon & carried that
Canute Peterson, Levi Lightfoot
Severt Olson, Simpson D. Huffaker
Zimri H. Baxter, Mades Madison
Vance Jacobs, And Oder Jacobson be ordained Elders

Also Henry Saba be ordained A Priest

Also Ole Jhohnson & Peter Maclin be ordained Teachers

All of which persons were then ordained unto
the offices assigned them under the Hands of
Elders W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Ezra Thayer
Appropriate remarks were then made by Elders
Woodruff & Smith by way of council & instruction
to those who had been ordained, & was followed
by Elder David Savage. Adjourned to Sunday 10 oclok

by all the Saints, but by the whole congregation
of citizens that attended. good order prevailed
through the whole conference. Attention kindness
and civility was manifest by all who were present

(Geo A Smith, President)
(Asa Manchester, Clerk)

At the close of the conference Elders Charles C Rich
David Foulmer, & Henry Jacobs Arived dire[c]t from
Nauvoo & spent the night with us


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

2 mentions
63 mentions
Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
349 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Fullmer, David
7 Jul 1803 - 21 Oct 1879
41 mentions
Savage, David
5 mentions
Thayer, Ezra
16 mentions
Zion's Camp
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1416 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Jacobs, Henry Baily
5 May 1817 - 1 Aug 1886
3 mentions
Saba, Henry
1 mention
2 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Hayer, Ole Olsen
1 mention
1 mention
Olson, Shure
1 mention
5 mentions
Jacobs, Vance
1 mention
3 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
on our mission held meetings and on the in Newark Kendall Co George A Smith and myself of the Twelve held our first conference at which were present various other officers of the Church. At the close of the conference Elders Charles C. Rich David Fulmer and Henry Jacobs arrived from Nauvoo Next evening we all met at the School House to deliver a political lecture. I called the meeting to order and introduced to the assembly Mr Henry Jacobs who arose and read General J Smiths views of the policy and powers of the United States Government after which I introduced ^Mr^ David Fulmer who addressed the assembly in an effective manner showing the policy of Joseph and then I urged our claims and right to vote for our own president and George A Smith closed with a spirited political address. The next evening we also held another meeting for the same object and had quite a time in political spirit ^matter^ and the impression made on the people was good. We had rode on this day thirty miles to hold our meeting in a large school room in Juliett We continued from place to place holding meetings reading the views of General Joseph Smith to public assemblies making political speeches and placing Joseph before the public as a fitting


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford completes brick home in Nauvoo; over the next 2 years he lives in it for less than 6 weeks.

May 18, 1844