14th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] At about half past seven oclock in
the evening the sword which had
made its appearenc for several evenings
past moved up near the moon & formed
itself into a large ring round the moon,
two Balls immediately appeared in the
ring opposite of each other sumthing in the
form of sundogs annother half ring ishues
from those Balls sumthing in the shape of
a horse shoe extending outside of the first ring
with one line runing through the centre of the moon
according to the following cut
facsimile [FIGURES]
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The following is the declaration of Joseph the Seer conserning the foregoing sign As sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke by me so shuresure there will be a spedy & bloody war & the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof
The following is the declaration of Joseph the Seer conserning the foregoing sign As sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke by me so shuresure there will be a spedy & bloody war & the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof
March 14, 1843 ~ Tuesday 14th At about half past seven oclock in the evening the sword which had made its appearence for several evenings past moved up near the moon & formed itself into a large ring round the moon two balls immediately appeared in the ring opposite of each other sumthing in the form of sundogs annother half ring ishues from those balls sumthing in the shape of a horse shoe extending outside of the first ring with one line runing through the centre of the moon according to the following cut
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