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Day in the Life

Mar 10, 1843

Journal Entry

March 10, 1843 ~ Friday

[FIGURE] 10th I Wilford Woodruff testify that
about 7 oclock PM I discoverd a stream of
light in the south west quarter of the heavens
the rays of Light were in the form of a Broadsword
with the hilt downward the Blade raised pointing
from the west south west raised to an angle
of 45 degrees from the horizen & extending nearly
or within 2 or 3 degrees to the zenith of the degree

whare the sign appeared, this sign gradually
disappeared from half past 7 & at 9 oclock
immediately disappeared

The following is the declaration of Joseph
the Seer conserning the foregoing sign

As sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in
the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke by me
so shure sure theire will be a spedy & Bloody
war & the broad sword seen last evening
is the sure sign thereof


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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
2227 mentions


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[FIGURE] 10 I Wilford Woodruff testify that about 7 oclock PM I discoverd a stream of light in the south west quarter of the heavens the rays of Light were in the form of a broadsword with the hilt downward the blade raised pointing from the west south west raised to an angle of 45 degrees from the horizen & extending nearly or within 2 or 3 degrees to the zenith of the degree
~ Wilford Woodruff
The following is the declaration of Joseph the Seer conserning the foregoing sign As sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke by me so shuresure there will be a spedy & bloody war & the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof
~ Joseph Smith
The following is the declaration of Joseph the Seer conserning the foregoing sign As sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke by me so shuresure there will be a spedy & bloody war & the broad sword seen last evening is the sure sign thereof
~ Joseph Smith
March 14, 1843 ~ Tuesday 14th At about half past seven oclock in the evening the sword which had made its appearence for several evenings past moved up near the moon & formed itself into a large ring round the moon two balls immediately appeared in the ring opposite of each other sumthing in the form of sundogs annother half ring ishues from those balls sumthing in the shape of a horse shoe extending outside of the first ring with one line runing through the centre of the moon according to the following cut
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 1
On the evening of I saw in the south west quarter of the heavens a stream of light in the form of a broad sword with the hilt downwards and the blade raised pointing from west south west at an angle of 45 degrees from the horison and extending within two or three degrees to the zenith of the degree where the sign appeared. It was descovered at 7 o'clock and gradually disappeared from half past seven and at nine o'clock it was entirely gone. This sign of a drawn sword in the heavens appeared for several evenings


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford assists in publication of the Nauvoo Neighbor (published until Saints leave Nauvoo in 1846).

Mar 10, 1843