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Day in the Life

Aug 23, 1840

Journal Entry

August 23, 1840 ~ Sunday

23rd went to Zions Chapel & herd the celebrated
Rev Mr A^it^ken preach 2 sermons he i[s] a talented man
has come out against the secxts & established chu
rches of his own but he has got as far as he can & knows
not what to do, sumthing like the followers of A
in America. In fine the whole sectarian
world is in confusion & trouble & knows not what
to do. Mr Akens said in his sermon said that the gentils
with all their present glory would soon be glad to take
hold of the skirt of a Jew & say let us go with you
he also says that most are ignorant of the meaning &
fulfillment of the Bible & will remain so untill it
is revealed by the spirit of God, but notwithstanding
Mr Akins has som sublime truths yet he is building a great
house woutithout any foundation by rejecting the
first principles of the gospel. We also attended
meeting at Zions Chapel Waterloo Road & herd
Mr Robert Aitken deliver an interesting warning
to the gentiles in the evening, he presented some
of the most sublime truths that I ever herd deliverd
by a sectarian priest, also he whiped the present
religioneist of the day at a tremendious rate, he said
they would go to Hell as a body for their religion was
ownly a cloke to cover adulterers & evry evil work
he said the judgments of God would spedily overtake
them. he prophesied of many judgments that woul[d]
spedily come, he wept over the present state of
things we retired & spent the night at our logings
4 mi


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5 mentions
Historical Figure
Aitken, Robert
22 Jan 1800 - 11 Jul 1873
16 mentions

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
we went to Zion's chapel and heard the celebrated Rev. Robert Aitken preach two sermons. He de- livered a powerful warning to the Gentiles, and presented some of the most sublime truths I ever heard from a sectarian priest; but he was building without the foundation.


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Aug 23, 1840