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Day in the Life

Feb 18, 1839

Journal Entry

February 18, 1839 ~ Monday

18th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Brother's Azmon & Thompson Woodruff I spoke of Asahels death &c


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1814
11 Apr 1814 - 18 Oct 1838
196 mentions
Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
348 mentions
Woodruff, Ozem Thompson
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
200 mentions

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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
Feb 18th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Brothers Azmon & Thompson Woodruff I spoke of the death of Brother Asahel &c. I spent a day in looking over Brother Asahels letters & writings I found many things of Interest. As the Saints are scattered abroad by persecution I have concluded to spend the season with my family in the town of Rochester whare I & many of the Saints now are I have taken 5 acres of land of Mr James Bushman to plant to corn Brother Albert Smith has taken 5 acres close to plant with me making 10 acres in all we have been splitting rails together to pay for the use of it


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church leaders escape while being transported for trial with the help of their guards; Church members move to Commerce, Illinois and establish Nauvoo.

Feb 18, 1839