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Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1838

Journal Entry

July 16, 1838 ~ Monday

16 Phebe is unusually favored for one in her circumstances this is the third day of her confinement & she has walked
from her bedroom into the adjoining rooms & then returned without injury. I spent the day mowing grass for
Sister Sarah Foss it being rather new business I felt weary at night


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1544 mentions
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
176 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford receives news of his calling as an apostle; and call to go on mission to England with apostles.

Jul 16, 1838