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Day in the Life

Mar 26, 1838

Journal Entry

March 26, 1838 ~ Monday

March 26 Walked to Mr John Smith from thence to Br Ames & spent the night I was quite Ill the diestroyer
made a severe attact upon me & I had a sick night distance of the day 3


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8 mentions
Ames, Justus
15 May 1790 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions

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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal
the next, on the building spot of my house, saith the Lord. Let my servant John Taylor, and also my servant John E. Page, and also my servant Wilford Woodruff, and also my servant Willard Richards, be appointed to fill the places of those who have fallen, and be officially notified of their appointment." [Doctrine and Covenants 118:5-6]


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Mar 26, 1838