Day in the Life

Sep 23, 1836

Journal Entry

September 23, 1836 ~ Friday

23 Rode to Feliciana from thence took the Dresden road
& with difficulty crossed the Obine swamp & creek
my horse frequently wallowing in the cyprus slues
nearly under water & mud from thence I rode to
Br Jere[miah] Murphys weakly county Tenn whare I
found the saints well & rejoiced to find his houshold
well & all the saints distance of the day 30 miles


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Murphy, Jeremiah B.
1805- bef. 1840
21 mentions
1835 Southern Convert


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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
23 Rode to Feliciana from thence took the Dresden road & with difficulty crossed the Obine swamp & creek my horse freequenly wallowing in the cyprus slues nearly und- er water & mud from thence I rode to Br Jerh Murphy's Weakly County Tenn. whare I found the Saints well & rejoiced to Meet distance of the Day 30 miles


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Sep 23, 1836