Community - Roll of Zion's Camp, 10 October 1864 [C-18]

Document Transcript

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Roll of Zion's Camp 1834.
Present in G. S. L. City ..
Higgins Nelson San Pete
Hitchcock Seth - died in Camp Young Brigham Cap. 10 G. S. L. City
Hodges Amos apostate Kimball Heber C. [G. S. L. City]
Holbrook Chandler & Wife. Fillmore Hyde Orson San Pete
Holbrook Joseph & Wife ^2 children^ Davis Pratt Orson Cap. 10 Europe
Holmes Milton apostate in Michigan Woodruff Wilford G. S. L. City
Houghton Ornon & Wife Smith George A. ^Armor bearer to Joseph Smith^ [G. S. L. City]
Hubbard Marshal - dd Sep- 18th [18]38 Lyman Amasa Fillmore
Humphrey Solomon - dd Clay Co Missouri Rich Charles C. St. Charles,
Huntsman Jesse - dd Ohio [18]36 Aldrich Hazen apostate
Hustin John Alless Joseph S North Bend San Pete
Hutchins Elias - dd Nauvoo Allred James. Capn of 10 Fort Ephraim ^Springtown^ {shorthand}
Hyde Heman T. - dd near Nauvoo Allred Isaac - Killed in San Pete in 1858 1859
^[Hyde] Orson^ Ingalls Warren S. - dd in Camp Allred Martin C. dd
Ives Edward - dd in Camp Alvord Charlotte, in Michigan Co.
Ivie James Russel San pete Andrus Milo G. S. L. C.o
Ivie James Anderson in Missouri Angel Solomon G. S. L. C. [G. S. L. C.o]
Ivie William Shelton Avery Allen A. apostate
Jessup William Babbitt Almon W. - Killed by Indians, S. side of Platte, 1856.
Johnson Luke - dd, G. S. S. Co. Badlam Alexander California
Johnson Lyman E. - drowned in Mississippi, Baker Samuel - dd, Nauvoo.
Johnson Noah - dd Balddwin Nathan B. Fillmore, Millard
Johnson Seth - dd Kirtland 16 Feb [18]35 Barber Elam apostate
Jones Isaac Barlow Israel Davis Co.
Jones Levi Barnes Lorenzo D. - dd England.
Kelley Charles Barney Edson Washington
^Kimball H C^ Kingsley Samuel Barney Royal G. S. L. C. G S L C
Lake Dennis apostate Benner Henry - Killed at Haun's Mill
Lawson Jesse B. - dd in camp Bent Samuel - dd in Iowa, [18]46.
Lewis L. S. Blackman Hiram
Littlefield Josiah ^Son of Job^ Iron Booth Lorenzo - dd Ogden
Littlefield Lyman Osmer G. S. L. C. Brooks George W.
Littlefield Waldo Iron Brown Albert Capn. of 10.
Lyman Amasa M.