10th[FIGURE] I wrote 4 Letters to Nauvoo one to Dwight Webster sent him $10 dollars to pay
my Taxes ^And for sister Eunice^. I sent one Letter to Sister Brown
& sent her $2 dollar to pay her for her labour
in assisting us. I wrote one letter to Br & sister Benbow, & one to Br Dexter Stillman, all included
in one Directed to Br Webster.
I ordained 2 priest & confirmed 2 last evening
I sent $1 dollar in the letter to Br Benbow for wilford
~ Friday
11th I wrote a lengthy letter for
the Prophet concerning Elder Sidney Rigdon bore my testimony in the case
I preached to a respectable congregation who gave me a
collection of $20 dollars
I wrote a small Letter to Elder Young
inclosed in a Letter to Br Webster in which
I spoke my mind
~ Saturday
12th I rode to Boston attended a church meeting
And had the power of God rested upon me
I spoke to the Church in great Plainness concerning
iniquity in all its forms urged the importance
of building the Temple. I informed the Saints
that evry man in the Church from the head to
the foot if they broke the commandments & law of
God would be brought to Justice & I advised
all to be cautious not to throw themselves to ruin
because others do wrong. I was followed by Elder Adams. [FIGURE] I had conversation with Br Whitmore he
related A dream to me as follows. He had prayed
to God to let him see Joseph in a dream. And he fell
asleep And dreamed that he saw the heavens
opened and deheld some of the things of eternity
he saw a personage arise out of the earth, and
An Elder informed him that it was Joseph Smith.
Joseph did not speak to him but droped some
~ Thursday
10th FIGURES I wrote 4 Letters to Nauvoo one to
Dwight Webster sent him $10 dollars to pay
my Taxes And for sister Eunice. I sent one Letter to Sister Brown
& sent her $2 dollar to pay her for her labour
in assisting us. I wrote one letter to Br & sister
Benbow, & one to Br Dexter Stillman, all included
in one directed to Br Webster.
I ordained 2 priest & confirmed 2 last evening
I sent $1 dollar in the letter to Br Benbow for
~ Friday
11th FIGURES I wrote a lengthy letter for
the Prophet concerning Elder
Sidney Rigdon bore my testimony in the case
I preached to a respectable congregation who gave me a
collection of $20 dollars
[FIGURE] I wrote a small Letter to Elder Young
inclosed in a Letter to Br Webster in which
I spoke my mind
~ Saturday
12th I rode to Boston attended a church meeting
and had the power of God rested upon me
I spoke to the church in great Plainness concerning
iniquity in all its forms urged the importance
of building the Temple. I informed the Saints
that evry man in the church from the head to
the foot if they broke the commandments & law of
God would be brought to Justice & I advised
all to be cautious not to throw themselves to ruin
because others do wrong. I was followed by Elder
Adams. [FIGURE] I had conversation with Br Whitmore he
related a dream to me as follows. He had prayed
to God to let him see Joseph in a dream. And he fell
asleep and dreamed that he saw the heavens
opened and beheld some of the things of eternity
he saw a personage arise out of the earth, and
an Elder informed him that it was Joseph Smith.
Joseph did not speak to him but droped some
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," October 10, 1844 - October 12, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 15, 2024, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jZW