of the strongest Hemlock oil it went through my whole
system it hagd a great tendency to check my fevers
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday Sister Eliza spent the day with me
A most distressing cough siezed me which seemed
to rend my left Lung in peaces. Whenever the caugh
sieezed me the it was as sudden as though I was
struck with a thunderbolt and at evry cough it
seemed as though a sword pierced through my body
it seemed as though I must perish
~ Monday
24th I was still in great distress Presidents H C. Kim-
ballD. H. Wells & F. D. Richards & Samuel Richards
called and administered to me. H. C. Kimball was
mouth. He promised me that I should live. In the
afternoon President Brigham Young & Lorenzo Young
called to see me. President Young spoke about my hard
labor, doing to much, did not think I would ever
stop hard work unless I was shut up. I was vary
sick and in great distress President Young laid
hands upon me and again promised me that I
should be delivered and live, but it would be through
suffering. He recommended me to send for Dr Sprage
to Doctor me I done so & He came the same night
He doctored me with roots & herbs and Nursed
me vary wisely I took a good deal of the tincture
of Lobelia. John L. Smith & R. Bently called to wait
upon me I could not lie in Bed while coughing but
had to be lifted into a chair which was a large Arm
chair. it was much labour to take care of me
for I had to be lifted moved & turned often, as
I was in great Distress both night & day I suff[ere]d
with my left Lung and side immensly
~ Tuesday
25 I grew more weak and distressed many called
to see me and enquire after me, many thought I
would die, and all outward appearances favored it
~ Wednesday
26 This was an awful day and night to me, we had [FIGURE] a raging wind through the night, and a raging
struggle through my tabernacle between
life and death. My desease pain & suffering had nearly
b[l]own out the lamp of life my nose, mouth, & lips
was black with malignant sores caused by my
desease and I hardly strength left sufficient to
endure my sufferings. it was one of the longest
and most bitter nights of my life not ownly the
pain and misery of my cough Lungs and side, But
all the Horrible imaginations that the Devil or disease
could invent was heaped upon my feble spirit which
was fluttering between life & death and struggleing
for the mastery to remain in the tabernacle these were
sufferings which remained during that long stormy
night, sufferings which no pen can describe or tounge
Oct 22
of the strongest Hemlock oil it went through my whole
system it had a great tendency to check my fevers
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday Sister Eliza spent the day with me
A most distressing cough siezed me which seemed
to rend my left Lung in peaces. Whenever the caugh
siezed me it was as sudden as though I was
struck with a thunderbolt and at evry cough it
seemed as though a sword pierced through my body
it seemed as though I must perish
~ Monday
24th I was still in great distress Presidents H C. KimballD. H. Wells & F. D. Richards & Samuel Richards
called and administered to me H. C. Kimball was
mouth. He promised me that I should live. In the
afternoon President Brigham Young & Lorenzo Young
called to see me. President Young spoke about my hard
labor, doing to much, did not think I would ever
stop hard work unless I was shut up. I was vary
sick and in great distress President Young laid
hands upon me and again promised me that I
should be delivered and live, but it would be through
suffering. He recommended me to send for Dr Sprague
to Doctor me I done so & He came the same night
He doctored me with roots & herbs and Nursed
me vary wisely I took a good deal of the tincture
of Lobelia. John L. Smith & R. Bently called to wait
upon me I could not lie in Bed while coughing but
had to be lifted into a chair which was a large Arm
Chair. it was much labour to take care of me
for I had to be lifted moved & turned often, as
I was in great Distress both night & day I suffered
with my left Lung and side immensly
~ Tuesday
25 I grew more weak and distressed many called
to see me and enquire after me, many thought I
would die, and all outward appearances favored it
~ Wednesday
26 This was an awful day and night to me, we had
[FIGURE] a raging wind through the night, and a raging
struggle through my tabernacle between
life and death. My desease pain & suffering had nearly
bown out the lamp of life my nose, mouth & lips
was black with malignant sores caused by my
desease and I hardly strength left sufficient to
endure my sufferings. it was one of the longest
and most bitter nights of my life not ownly the
pain and misery of my cough Lungs and side, But
all the Horrible imaginations that the Devil or disease
could invent was heaped upon my feble spirit which
was fluttering between life & death and struggleing
for the mastery to remain in the tabernacle these were
sufferings which remained during that long stormy
night, sufferings which no pen can describe or tounge
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 22, 1859 - October 26, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wj7R