country, then that God who holds the destinies
of all nations, Deliverd thee from thine oppressers
& set thy nest on high & exhalted thee in the
eyes of the Nations, & poured upon thee without
measure the blessings of heaven & the bounty
of the earth, which thou hast for a long time enjoy
ed with none to molest or make afraid. O!!
America how is it with thee now!! How art thou
fallen, fallen, In the eyes of thy God, thy prot-
ector & deliverer who changes not, & who will
still avenge the Blood of the Innocent, Answer
the prayer of the widiow, regard the cry of the
orphan & take vengance on thee. Thy salt hast
lost its saviour, thy light hath gone out, Thine
Eagles crest is stained with innocent blood even
that of Saints. Thou hast made widows & orpheans
whose prayers & cries are assending into the ears of
the Lord of Sabaoth, who was once thy friend &
deliverer, But will now spedily pour out wrath
& indignation upon thee & teach thee their is still
a God in Israel. Americans A sound once delight
ful to my ear, dids thou not plough the ocean & seek
an Assylum in the western world, beyound the
reach of the Iron hand of oppression & tyranny to enjoy
an equal right in the worship of thy God, & the
Blessings of A republick, since thou has freely obtained
this Blessing, & drank abundantly of its sweet fount
ain which produced an inexhaustable fountain ^store^ for
the[e] & all thy citizens, why then hast thou
deprived a portion of thy countryman of those
glorious Blessings in which thou has so long shared
By Driving thousands of the Saints from place to
place, county to county, & state to state, spoil
ing their goods, burning their houses, robing the
fruits of their labours, & last of all spill their
Blood, & Marter them for the word of God & the
testimony of Jesus Christ, by so Doing thou
hast made hundreds of widows & orpheans whose
cry is assending into the ears of the Lord to
avenge the blood of their murdered Husbands &
Fathers & when they the persecuted have petitioned
to the rulers for redress of their rongs they have
country, then that God who holds the destinies
of all nations, Deliverd thee from thine oppressers
& set thy nest on high & exhalted thee in the
eyes of the nations, & poured upon thee without
measure the blessings of heaven & the bounty
of the earth, which thou hast for a long time enjoy
ed with none to molest or make afraid. O!!
America how is it with thee now!! How art thou
fallen, fallen, In the eyes of thy God,, thy protector & deliverer who changes not, & who will
still avenge the Blood of the Innocent,,, Answer
the prayer of the widow, regard the cry of the
orphan & take vengance on thee. Thy salt hast
lost its saviour, thy light hath gone out, Thine
Eagles crest is stained with innocent blood even
that of Saints. Thou hast made widows & orpheans
whose Prayers & cries are assending into the ears of
the Lord of Sabaoth, who was once thy friend &
deliverer, But will now spedily pour out wrath
& indignation upon thee & teach thee their is still
a God in Israel. Americans A Sound once delight
ful to my ear, didst thou not plough the ocean & seek
an Assylum in the western world, beyound the
reach of the Iron hand of oppression & tyranny to enjoy
an equal right in the worship of thy God, & the
Blessings of A republick, since thou has freely obtained
this Blessing, & drank abundantly of its sweet fount
ain which produced an inexhaustable store for
thee & all thy citizens, why then hast thou
deprived a portion of thy countryman of those
glorious Blessings in which thou has so long shared
By Driving thousands of the Saints from place to
place, county to county, & state to state, spoil
ing their goods, burning their houses, robing the
fruits of their labours, & last of all spill their
Blood, & Marter them for the Word of God & the
testimony of Jesus Christ, by so Doing thou
hast made hundreds of widows & orpheans whose
cry is assending into the ears of the Lord to
avenge the blood of their murdered Husbands &
Fathers & when they the persecuted have petitioned
to the rulers for redress of their rongs they have
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," February 12, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 15, 2024,