left my station at the Nauvoo Provision Store and commenced
to labour for the Church in the Printing Establishment. Elder Taylor and myself spent the afternoon in taking an invoice
of the Printing Office which we finished the next day a^nd^ met
at Joseph'sstore and E Robinson made out the deed to Willard
Richards of his lot and house containing the Printing establishment
and all appurtenances belonging thereto amounting in
all to $6,600.
The following day I assisted Willard Richards
in taking in the tithing for the ^Temple^ amounting to about
1000 dollars worth of property
About two weeks later Joseph the Seer
presented us with some of the Book of Abraham written
by the hand of that Patriarch and which was found
in Egypt and ^which^ with some mummies came into the
hands of the Prophet several years before. He was
now translating them to publish portions of it in
the Times and Seasons of which paper he was the
Editor and John Taylor his assistant while the business
part of the establishment was under my charge
I had been much edified of late in
hearing Joseph converse upon the mystries of the Kingdom
of God. "Truly," I thought, "the Lord is with him and
making him mighty in Knowledge and wisdom" and I was
convinced that none of the Prophets or Seers have ever accomplished
a greater work than the Lord will bring to pass in the last
days through the instrumentality of Joseph
^On^ My birthday ^^ came and I made a feast
for my friends and four days afterwards, on the in the morning, 30 minutes past 10 ^o'clock^ a.m. my daughter Phebe A. Woodruff was born
A week later the Nauvoo Legion met
on parade and in company with the Twelve I rode in the
Legion as assistant chaplain. This was the first time I
had seen the Legion on parade
On the of the ^same^ month the Nauvoo
Masonic Lodge was established and organized. The
procession was found at half past one oclock at Joseph's
left my station at the Nauvoo Provision Store and commenced
to labour for the Church in the Printing Establishment. Elder
Taylor and myself spent the afternoon in taking an invoice
of the Printing Office which we finished the next day and met
at Joseph'sStore and E Robinson made out the deed to Willard
Richards of his lot and house containing the Printing establishment
and all appurtenances belonging thereto amounting in
all to $6,600.
The following day I assisted Willard Richards
in taking in the tithing for the Temple amounting to about
1000 dollars worth of property
About two weeks later Joseph the Seer
presented us with some of the Book of Abraham written
by the hand of that Patriarch and which was found
in Egypt and with some mummies came into the
hands of the Prophet several years before. He was
now translating them to publish portions of it in
the Times and Seasons of which paper he was the
Editor and John Taylor his assistant while the business
part of the establishment was under my charge
I had been much edified of late in
hearing Joseph converse upon the mystries of the Kingdom
of God. "Truly," I thought, "the Lord is with him and
making him mighty in Knowledge and wisdom" and I was
convinced that none of the Prophets or Seers have ever accomplished
a greater work than the Lord will bring to pass in the last
days through the instrumentality of Joseph
On My birthday March 1st I made a feast
for my friends and four days afterwards, on the 4th of
March in the morning, 30 minutes past 10 o'clock a.m. my daughter
Phebe A. Woodruff was born
A week later the Nauvoo Legion met
on parade and in company with the Twelve I rode in the
Legion as assistant Chaplain. This was the first time I
had seen the Legion on parade
On the 15th of the same month the Nauvoo
Masonic Lodge was established and organized. The
procession was found at half past one oclock at Joseph's
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 348, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/DEmy