April 20th Spent this day in the house of the Lord
in prayer and fasting with the congregation of the
Saints. Much of the power, gifts, and graces of the gospel
was poured out upon us. speaking and interpeting of
tongues was manifest in the congregation one brother
sung a lengthy song in tongues & sister Hide interpeted the
same it was great & glorious much of it was respecting
the fame of Joseph and his magnus works
~ Friday
April 21st I received of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff April 21. $37 Dollars. I paid $37 dollars of the same to Elder Harvy Redfield for Jacob Bump which balanced all
of my account with them both. I paid $5 dollars to Elder HEber Kimble{Elder M Holmes and Solon Foster were witnesses of my paying the money}
~ Saturday
April 22nd Receieved a Letter from my father in Law Ezra Carter under date of April 9th
~ Sunday
30th Spent the last week labouring with my hands
for Elder H. Kimble
~ Monday
May 1st Mrs Woodruff&with myself removed our
boarding place to Elder W Parrishes whare we
tarry for the present
~ Friday
5th While labouring for Elder J. Young in the
latter part of the day we experienced a
verry sudden, hard, & rapid storm of wind
and rain a vane of it passed south of
the temple in the form of a whirl wind or
tornado it destroyed and injured several
buildings it crushed one of Elder Young buildi-
ngs instantly and removed the one we were in
yet no lives were lost nor persons injured soon
all was calm again
~ Wednesday
10th Brother Henry Harmon arived in Kirtland
from the state of Maine and Mrs Woodruff
receieved nine Letters from our friends in the
state of Maine
~ Thursday
April 20th Spent this day in the house of the Lord
in prayer and fasting with the congregation of the
Saints. Much of the power, gifts, and graces of the gospel
was poured out upon us. speaking and interpeting of
tongues was manifest in the congregation one brother
sung a lengthy song in tongues & sister Hide interpeted the
same it was great & glorious much of it was respecting
the fame of Joseph and his magnus works
April 22nd Receieved a Letter from my father in Law
Ezra Carter under date of April 9th
~ Sunday
30th Spent the last week labouring with my hands
for Elder H. Kimble
~ Monday
May 1st Mrs Woodruff with myself removed our
boarding place to Elder W Parrishes whare we
tarry for the present
~ Friday
5th While labouring for Elder J. Young in the
latter part of the day we experienced a
verry sudden, hard, & rapid storm of wind
and rain a vane of it passed south of
the temple in the form of a whirl wind or
tornado it destroyed and injured several
buildings it crushed one of Elder Young buildings instantly and removed the one we were in
yet no lives were lost nor persons injured soon
all was calm again
~ Wednesday
10th Brother Henry Harmon arived in Kirtland
from the state of Maine and Mrs Woodruff
receieved nine Letters from our friends in the
state of Maine
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 20, 1837 - May 10, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/oYj